Chapter 7: An Evening Off

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Chapter 7: An Evening Off

Warm lips humming a quiet melody pressed against my shoulder blade, fingers brushing through my hair. Charlie's body radiated a warmth that compelled me to push the covers onto the floor and instead use him as a source of heat. His erratic breathing had finally slowed to a steady pant as my heaving chest finally settled. With a grunt, Charlie pushed himself to sit up and readjusted to be more comfortable, his body between my legs with his head resting on my ribcage.

"Your heart's beating really fast," he said quietly with a glance at my face. "Am I making you nervous?"

"No," I said simply and brushed my fingers through his hair. "It just hasn't slowed from before."

He hummed in response and trailed light kisses over my chest, his beard scraping against my soft skin in a pleasurable way. I sighed and arched my back into his touch. He flicked his tongue over the skin of my breast, a tingling sensation spreading through my body. I combed my fingers through his hair as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, gently teasing it with his teeth.

"Charlie," I mumbled and let my eyes slide shut, "don't tease me."

"Is it really teasing if you like it?" he asked and let one of his hands slide between our bodies. I let my mouth fall open as he slid a finger into my entrance, which was still sensitive from our previous encounter. "So wet for me," he mumbled into my skin as he pressed another kiss on my chest.

I bit down on my lip and bucked my hips into Charlie's hand with a whimper.

"There's not enough time in the day for all I want to do to you," he said close to my ear. "Not enough time in the world."

Charlie pulled his hand away and sat back on his haunches between my legs.

"Open," he said and slid his finger into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his finger until I could no longer taste myself, and then he rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip, pushing it past my lips. "Good girl," he muttered as he watched my lips wrap around his thumb.

I wrapped my legs around his hips to pull him closer to me and he grunted as he temporarily lost balance, planting his free hand on the headboard to steady himself.

"So impatient, darling," he said and shook his head as he pulled his thumb from my mouth. He pressed his thumb directly onto my clit and rubbed, pleasure mixing with discomfort that had my thighs twitching. He applied more pressure and I writhed under him with a gasp as he forced an orgasm out of me, my walls clamping around nothing. "Does that hurt?"

"A little," I breathed as his hand stopped. "In a good way."

"Good," he responded and continued to rub my clit. I tried to close my legs, but his body prevented me from doing so. It felt overwhelmingly good to the point where it began to hurt in an unfamiliar way. The muscles in my legs strained painfully as I moaned. Charlie's free hand held me in place as I came again.

"I can't do anymore, Charlie," I mumbled and pushed his hand away when he attempted to keep moving. "It's too much."

Charlie nodded and instead traced his hand over the inside of my thigh.

"Tell me when you're ready again."

His hands caressed my thighs as his eyes roamed over my body. He was patient as I finally relaxed and the throbbing in my core subsided.

"I'm ready," I told him.

"Flip over," he said in response, his hands guiding me onto my hands and knees.

Charlie ran his hand through my folds, slick from my arousal and my previous releases. He dipped his tongue to flick over my clit, and then traced a line to my entrance. I moaned and pushed my hips back to garner more pressure. One of his hands rested on my lower back as he straightened up and lined himself up with my entrance.

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