Chapter 16: What Merry Gary Brings (Besides Great Karaoke at That One Party)

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Chapter 16: What Merry Gary Brings (Besides Great Karaoke at That One Party)

"Alright, now," Dmitri said, his voice stern as he glared between Hana and me. "I want you two on your best behavior. No fighting, no- actually, don't talk to each other. Don't even look at each other, got it?"

"I'll act like an adult as long as Hana will," I said and stood up. "It's dehumanizing the way that you're addressing us."

"Well, apparently you two need it," Dmitri said and rolled his eyes. "It's an eight hour shift, yes? And we can make it eight hours without getting into a catfight? Yes?"

"I agree with Y/N, this is a little ridiculous," Hana said. "I'll admit that I was wrong about what I did, but I think it's justified in these uncertain times."

"In these uncertain times," I mocked.

"This is why!" Dmitri interjected. "You're a child, Y/N."

"I already know that," I said and sneered.

"Merlin, okay," he mumbled. "Y/N, I have something to be delivered to Gary. Can you bring it to him?"

"Merry Gary?"

"Yes... Merry Gary."

"Of course I will. I love Gary," I said and followed Dmitri as he walked into the staff room. He handed me an envelope.

"Don't lose it," he said simply. "He should have some money for me, so don't leave without it. And hurry back. You're still on the clock."

"Yes sir," I said and smiled. "Can you say 'Godspeed' as I'm leaving?"

"No," he said simply.

"Alright, I'll be back!" And so my walk began.

Merry Gary was one of the workers in the cafeteria, and possibly the least merry person I had ever met. Always grumpy, always frowning. Or so I thought until I saw him at a party after a few glasses of firewhisky. The man dominated the dance floor and singlehandedly began a flash mob of wizards performing one of the Weird Sisters' choreographies, as well as hosting the single best karaoke I had ever been a part of. When I began to call him Garyoke as a result, he did intentionally give me food poisoning, but I never forgot his amazing rendition of the classic muggle song, 'Holding Out For A Hero'.

"First name: Gary, last name: oke! Where are you, my man? Garebear? Oh, Gary!"

Gary emerged from the kitchen of the cafeteria building with a scowl on his face.

"Hey, Gary," I greeted and leaned on the counter. "Dmitri sent me with this for you." I held up the envelope.

Gary took it without a word and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Gary," I called after him. When he didn't answer, I hopped over the counter and made my way into the kitchen.

"Out, out, out," Danny immediately began to chant.

"I have to talk to Gary," I said and ignored him. "Gary, Dmitri said you'd have money for him." I trailed after the man as he continued through the kitchen.

"Hey, Y/N," one of the kitchen staff greeted.

"Hey, Amelia. Gary, I swear to-"

"Shut up," Gary said.

"If you don't have the money right now, I'll give him money and you can pay me back but Dmitri specifically told me not to come back without money. Shit. Is this a drug deal? Actually, I can't loan you any money because I am not incriminating myself over this shit."

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