Chapter 24: The Visit

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Chapter 24: The Visit

JUNE 1997

I woke up comfortable. The sky was just beginning to lighten outside. With a frown, I quietly slipped out of bed, watching to make sure I didn't wake Charlie. He was lying on his stomach, his arms folded over his head, snoring barely audible.

I used the bathroom before returning.

"Goodmorning," Charlie mumbled, his eyes opening slightly.

"Hi," I said quietly, cuddling back into the covers.

"Why're you awake?" he slurred, rolling onto his back.

"I had to go to the bathroom," I told him, cozying into his chest with a sigh.

"Seems like the spell's working," Charlie said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "It's not so hot in here anymore."

"You did good," I said. "It's cool enough in here to cuddle now."

"The summers are pretty intense here, especially compared to Scotland. I swore I was going to die the first summer I spent here. Alcott and I tried to use a temperature-regulating spell to get more comfortable in our cabin and we ended up filling the kitchen with snow."

I laughed and buried my head in his chest.

"But now you've mastered it," I said, running my fingers through his chest hair.

"I guess I have," he said. "What are you doing?"

"Playing with your chest hair," I said.

"You're weird," he said, folding his free arm behind his head.

"I like it," I told him. "It's nice to play with."

"I'm glad you like it," he said and laughed.

"I do. And I like this hair," I said, tracing my finger down the path of hair that ran down the middle of his abdomen. I felt his stomach tense for a moment before he relaxed.

"Really?" he asked. "I didn't know that. I thought it bothered you because you fuss with it so much. I almost shaved it."

"No, I like it," I assured him. "And you shouldn't change anything about yourself for anyone but yourself. It's most important that you like it."

"I like it if you like it," he said.

I scoffed quietly and readjusted. "Permission to play with your chest hair, sir?"


I smiled and resumed playing with his hair, absentmindedly stroking the bristly hairs.

"You're getting close to the danger zone there, princess," Charlie said after a few minutes, breaking the silence.

"Sorry, I hadn't realized," I said, noticing my hand was under his navel.

"You're not going to hear any complaints from me," he said, running his fingers through my hair.

I brushed my fingers over his happy trail, my head still resting on his chest. I felt his chest start to rise and fall more rapidly as I slipped my fingers under the waistband of his briefs, my hand barely making contact with his hardening length. Charlie used his free hand to tug his briefs down enough to give me better access. I used my thumb to spread his precum before slowly stroking his length.

Charlie groaned, letting his head fall back into his pillow. I spit into my hand before continuing to tease him, readjusting to straddle him. Almost immediately, he set his hands on my thighs.

I slowly stroked his length until he was becoming more restless beneath me and his mumbled obscenities were growing closer in frequency. Then, I sped up the movements of my hand, massaging his balls in my other hand. With a groan, Charlie finished, cumming on his stomach and my thigh.

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