Chapter 31: The Ring

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Chapter 31: The Ring

I rushed to make myself coffee, watching the clock apprehensively. I was going to be late for work but I would be damned if I went to work before I got my coffee.

"You got a letter from the Ministry," Charlie called from the living room. I frowned.

"You can open it," I called back. "Probably junk."

I whined at the muggle coffee pot that my mother had bought for Charlie and me.

"Come on," I said and looked between the slow stream of coffee that was filling the pot and the clock.

"Y/N, you should come to look at this," Charlie said as he came into the kitchen, a letter in his hand. He handed it to me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"This is the one from the Ministry?"

He nodded.

I read the letter.

Dear Ms. Y/N Y/L/N,

The ministry has received intelligence of several offenses violating the decrees of the Ministry of Magic. They are listed as such:

-One count of performing magic before a muggle with an understanding of the illegality of the action 48 minutes after nine on the eighth of November, 1990-

-One count of failure to appear in court-

Further failure to appear in court will result in the destruction of your wand and the banning of any further use of magic. Your court date is set for 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd of September, 1997.

Mafalda Hopkirk
Improper Use of Magic Office

"What is this?" I asked, looking up at Charlie.

"I don't know," he said. "The date is from seven years ago. And it says that you have to go to court tomorrow."

"This must be a mistake," I said. "There's no way that... No, this doesn't make sense. I never missed court. I never had to go to court."

"I don't know, Y/N," he said and shook his head. "I don't know if you should go."

"I have to, though."

"What you have to do is go to work. I'm going to bring this to my dad and see what he thinks. They can't have you go to court over something that happened seven years ago when you were still a minor. And it doesn't seem right that they would only notify you the day before you had to be at court," he said. "You go to work and I'll bring you some coffee before I go see dad."

"Yeah, okay. Fine," I said and handed Charlie the letter. "Thanks."

"We'll talk after I've talked with him. We'll figure this out. Now, go, before you're late."

"Okay." I pressed a kiss on his jaw before slipping on my shoes and leaving for the hospital.

"Cutting it a little close there, huh?" Dmitri said as I clocked in.

"Listen, I have good reason," I said and scowled at him.

"Enlighten me."

"I just got a letter from the Ministry of Magic for a crime from seven years ago and my court date is set for tomorrow. Also, I'm not going to be able to come into work tomorrow."

"Yeah, no. Don't go. That's a load of bullshit."

"I know that," I said and rolled my eyes. "But I don't have much of a choice. They said that they would destroy my wand if I didn't show."

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