Chapter 36: The Battle, Part 2

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Chapter 36: The Battle, Part 2

"Hello, Minister!" yelled Percy, catching my attention. He threw a curse in Thicknesse's direction, causing the minister to drop his wand. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" shouted Fred from beside me with an amazed laugh, stunning a death eater as he looked over at his brother. "You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

A loud blast. The only thing I could think to do was cast the biggest shield I could muster as I was flattened to the ground. My head collided with the stone of the floor as I was thrown backward. I whimpered and dropped my shield. I looked around and struggled to sit up. Fred groaned from beside me, his leg pinned under a chunk of the wall. My head was pounding as I crawled over to him and used my wand to move the piece of the wall. I blinked as my vision swam, setting my hands on his leg.

"Reparifors," I muttered, watching as his leg healed.

"I think you just saved both of our asses with that shield," Fred said as he bent his newly-healed leg, looking at the new hole in the side of the castle. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," I said. I felt around my head, feeling some blood. "Nothing too serious." I let my hand fall, expecting to feel my chain around my neck. When I didn't feel it, I sat up straighter, looking around.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked when he noticed my panic.

"My ring," I said, struggling to rise to my feet, limping through the rubble to find it. "Accio ring!"

"Y/N, we should go," Fred said. "It doesn't matter. It's just a ring."

"Y/N! Fred!" Charlie yelled. George, Percy, and Charlie emerged from the dust, struggling to navigate the wreckage.

"Fred," George breathed in relief, "come on."

Charlie approached me. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"My ring," I said. "I lost it."

"It's fine," he said. "You didn't even like it. We have to go."

"I really liked it," I said and let him pull me away, still searching over my shoulder for it.

"You're bleeding," Charlie said, looking at me with concern. "We should get you to the-"

"Come on!" Percy shouted. Looking back, I saw a swarm of spiders begin to flow through the new hole in the side of the castle. With Charlie's arm under mine, I limped along with him, my head pounding and my vision fading.

"Damn it!" Charlie cursed, hoisting me onto his shoulder. I felt my wand slip from my hand as I slipped in and out of consciousness.

The next thing I could remember was waking up in the Great Hall.

I squinted against the light as I sat up, wincing as I felt my head throbbing.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Charlie asked, grabbing my hand.

"What's happening?" I asked, trying to stand. Charlie held me down.

"No, stop," he said. "Stay here. The battle is over for now."


"You need to take care of your head," he said, crouching down. "If you can't heal yourself, then tell me what to do. The death eaters will be back soon. They said they would be back in an hour if we didn't give Harry up, which we obviously aren't going to do."

"No, I can heal myself," I said. "But my wand..." I vaguely remembered dropping it. "Shit."

"What's wrong with your wand?"

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