Chapter 30: Lunch With Etta

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Chapter 30: Lunch With Etta

I knocked on Dmitri's door and waited impatiently. The sun was beating down on my back and I was sweaty from my walk.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Yes, it's good to see you too, Dmitri," I said and rolled my eyes.

"What the hell happened to you?" he repeated.

"I fell down the stairs."

"What stairs?" he asked, bewildered.

"I'm joking, Dmitri. I went to a wedding," I said with a smile. "Are you going to let me in or make me stand out here on your doorstep?"

"Come in," he said, standing aside and letting me into his cabin. "And what do you mean 'you went to a wedding'? That doesn't explain anything."

"Thank you. It's hot out there," I said and brushed by him. He shut the door behind us, sighing when I ignored his question.

Dmitri's cabin was well-decorated, houseplants adorning most of the corners. As he led me to the living room, I noticed throw blankets and pillows covering his furniture. It smelled sweet in his cabin, something most of the cabins lacked, all smelling of wood and the sanctuary itself.

"Sweet crib," I said and looked around, once again feeling irritated at how nice everyone else's cabins were compared to mine and Charlie's. In our defense, though, we were the coolest people at the sanctuary and we would be too powerful if we were given the best board.

"Thanks," he said after a moment's hesitation. "Could you wait here for one second?"

"Yeah, of course," I said and watched as Dmitri walked through a doorway into what appeared to be his kitchen. After a couple of minutes, he returned.

"Behave yourself," he commanded and pointed a stern finger at me.

"Always," I scoffed.

"And watch your language for once." Fixing me with a sharp look, Dmitri turned his attention to a woman who was entering the room.

"Hello, honey," she said and smiled at me, immediately walking toward me to give me a hug.

"Hi," I stammered, hugging the woman back in surprise. "I'm Y/N."

"I know," the woman responded and pulled away. "I've heard so much about you."

"Oh shit, that's never good- shit, I mean, shoot. Damn it." I shut my mouth and smiled sheepishly. "I meant to say shucks."

The woman laughed and held her hand out. "I'm Loretta, or just Etta."

"It's really nice to finally meet you," I said and took her hand.

"Likewise. Dmitri and I were just working on lunch if you'd like to help," she said and beckoned for me to follow after her. Dmitri nodded at me once Etta's back was turned.

In the kitchen, she instructed me on how to prepare lunch with her.

"Etta, Y/N came to discuss the private medical work that she'll be helping me with," Dmitri said as he took his place beside her, picking up a knife. I watched with inquisitive eyes. No wands?

"Ah, yes. Wizard doctoring," she said and clicked her tongue with a small smile.

Dmitri met my eyes from across the counter, trying to gauge my reaction. His partner was a muggle. The fact that she was here at the sanctuary when the attacks were occurring was dangerous, but to allow her to meet someone was something entirely different. It was risky to assume that anyone would be accepting of a muggle at a time like this. I bit my lip and looked away.

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