Chapter 34: Judas, Arnold, Brutus

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Chapter 34: Judas, Arnold, Brutus

MAY 2ND, 1998

"Y/N, can you do the food run?" Dmitri asked.

"It's the weekend. Danny always gets pissed when I go in there on weekends," I complained. "He's the only one who works on Saturdays and it's late."

"Okay, but you're the one he's least likely to get mad at," Dmitri said. "I'm hungry."

"Fine. Write down what you want," I said and scowled at him.

"This is why you're my favorite," he said and started a list. "Don't forget about Hana."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered and rolled my eyes, snatching the list up and looking for Hana. I found her cleaning one of the operation rooms.

"Can you have Danny make one of his special salads?" she asked.

"Sure thing. I'll be back in fifteen minutes," I told her and left the hospital.

The cafeteria was empty. The weekends were usually slower than the rest of the week. People often went into town on the weekends instead of coming to the cafeteria.

"Danny?" I called as I wandered to the counter. "I have a special order from your favorite customers."

Danny appeared out of the kitchen. "Hey, sugar. What's the damage?" I leaned over the counter to hand him the list. "Salad for Hana and gogoși for Dmitri. Anything for you?" he asked, looking up questioningly.

"No thanks," I said and shook my head. "Charlie and I are going to be heading to town after my shift for dinner."

"Ouch, I'm not good enough for you?" he asked.

"Not quite," I said.

"Hey, why don't you come and help me in the kitchen? It gets lonely back there when I'm the only one here," he said.

"Oh, I don't know, Danny," I said and looked around. "I'm not sure I'll be that much help."

"Come on, sugar, I know how much you like to watch."

I followed after him reluctantly and watched as he began to prepare the food.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he said. "Things been busy up at the hospital?"

"Not too bad," I said. "But I've had weddings and funerals to go to."

"Ah, the best of both worlds."

"Something like that."

I watched as Danny cooked in silence. He worked quickly and skillfully, but hesitated when he was boxing everything up.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said.


"How come you really haven't been around?"

"I told you-"

"Don't bullshit me."

"I don't know, Danny. Things have been busy," I said and shrugged. "You know how it gets around here."

"Because I was thinking a lot about it, you know? I really don't believe that you felt awkward after I saw you upset from Charlie," he said, ignoring me. "Let's say maybe you saw something you weren't supposed to see and you were afraid someone would find out."

My stomach lurched. "Danny, that are you talking about?"

"Don't give me that, sugar..."

"Alright, fine, I found your strap-on and I wasn't sure how to feel about it at first," I said.

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