Chapter 29: The Wedding, Part 2

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Chapter 29: The Wedding, Part 2

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

"Get behind me," Charlie said.

"Get behind you, my ass," I responded, receiving an irritated look from Charlie.

"My wand's in my robes," he said. "I left them at the table."

"Mine's tucked in my underwear."


"Shut up," I said as someone screamed.

"We have to get somewhere safe," Charlie said as people began to panic. Death eaters appeared among the crowd.

"No. You don't have your wand. We can't just leave it, Charlie. We have no idea what's going to happen," I said, drawing my wand. "Where's Harry?"

"I don't know," Charlie said, looking around. "I don't see Ron or Hermione either. Shit!" Charlie grabbed my arm and yanked me downward as a curse flew over our heads. A panicking wizard ran into me, making me fall to my knees. As the man fumbled, he hit me in the face with something heavy. Before I could react, Charlie hauled me up. "Cast a shield." I complied and created a shield around us, ignoring the pain from falling. "Take your shoes off, quick. We might have to run."

As soon as my shoes were off, I dropped the shield. I could feel blood running down from my knee and my face throbbed from being hit.

"Come on, we need to find your wand," I said. "Where's your jacket?"

"The head table where Bill and Fleur were sitting," he said, pointing across the room.

"I'll cover your back. Just run," I said. He started to push through the crowd to get to his wand. I deflected the spells aimed at him and stupefied a death eater.

Once he reached the table, he found his robes. I kept watch as he felt for his wand, but the death eaters weren't targeting him. They were searching for someone.

They were searching for Harry.

"I think he's gone," I said.

Charlie nodded, knowing who I was talking about.

"I think that's all they want," I said.

"Then don't cast any offensive spells," he said.


"I need to stay here to make sure my family is okay. If you want to apparate to Romania-"

"No, they're my family too."

I let out an involuntary cry as I was grabbed from behind, my arms pinned behind my back.

"Hey!" Charlie yelled. I struggled against the person's hold, but they were stronger than me. Charlie raised his wand.

"Charlie, no." He set his jaw but lowered his wand as another death eater grabbed his arm. They began to lead us in separate directions. Charlie fought out of the death eater's hold to follow me, elbowing him in the jaw. The death eater recoiled and Charlie slipped away. After only a few steps in my direction, Charlie had a wand pressed against his throat.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" I said. "Just do what they say so we can go home." With that, I was roughly pulled away from Charlie.

The crowd had thinned significantly. Most of the guests had managed to apparate away, and the remaining were mostly Weasleys. We were separated and questioned for several hours, but the death eaters eventually gave up and left.

"I don't know how this could have happened," Mrs. Weasley said quietly to me. "We were so careful to put protective spells around the place."

"There was nothing more you could have done, Mrs. Weasley."

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