Chapter 35: The Battle

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Chapter 35: The Battle

MAY 2, 1998

Fatima raised her wand and took a deep breath.


I cast a shield around myself, watching as Fatima's curse was deflected. I dropped my shield and cast a nonverbal spell at her. She was quick to block it with a quick shield.

"Expulso!" I shouted, watching as Fatima was thrown back into the wall of the living room, falling down to the couch before rolling onto the floor.

Obscured from my eyes by her coffee table, she shot a curse at me. I wasn't quick enough to deflect the red light, which made me fall to my knees when it made contact with my body. With a whimper, I stood again, watching as Fatima clambered to her feet. I ducked behind the wall leading to her kitchen as she shot another blast of light at me. My chest heaved as I listened, my back pressed against the wall. I couldn't hear her moving.

I peeked around the wall, immediately hiding behind it when a curse came hurtling toward me. Over my shoulder, I cast a tripping jinx, hearing her gasp and fall to the ground with a thump. I shot another spell at her, which she deflected, sending a stinging curse to hit the light, shattering the glass and bathing us in darkness.

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the light before looking around the wall. In the dark, I couldn't tell where Fatima was.

I gasped as I felt hands close around my arms and I was slammed against the wall. The breath was knocked out of me. Fatima twisted my wrist, making me drop my wand.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, wrenching me downward. She pressed me into the ground and straddled me, pinning down one of my arms with her free hand and pressing her knee onto my other arm, at my elbow. I waited for her to cast a spell, only hearing the sounds of our harsh breathing.

"Fatima," I rasped, still out of breath, feeling around for my wand, wincing as her weight was pushed onto my elbow.

"I can't do this," she said through a sob. "I can't kill you. I'm going to erase your memories. You won't remember what I am, or what I've done."

"No," I whimpered, my fingers closing around my wand. "Please, Fatima."

I felt the tip of her wand press into my temple, and I could feel her shaking. In the dark, I couldn't see her face, but I could hear that she was crying.

I twisted my arm to point my wand at her, feeling something in my arm pop. I felt dizzy from the pain but managed to keep my wand pointed in her direction.

"Incarcerous," I muttered, feeling Fatima's body tense as her body was bound by ropes. She fell off of me with an anguished shout. I cried out as she rolled over my injured arm, cradling it to my chest. I forced myself to sit up and wrenched her wand from her hand. Still sitting beside her, I cast a healing spell on my arm, sighing in relief as the pain faded to a dull throb. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I took a moment to catch my breath beside Fatima, who was struggling against the ropes.

"Please don't leave me here," she begged. "Please just-"

"I'm so sorry," I muttered and tucked her wand into my waistband as I climbed to my feet on shaky legs. "I'm not going to kill you... I'm so sorry."

I stumbled away from her, trying to ignore her sobbing. I slipped out of the cabin and into the night, traveling the path to the dragon pens. I slowed down as I heard the sounds of spells being fired and yells. As soon as I processed what I was hearing, I began running, forgetting about my aching legs and my tired muscles. I searched the reserve frantically, avoiding the duels that were occurring. At the end of the reserve, I found Charlie dueling Randy. Randy had a shield conjured around himself, deflecting the steady stream of spells that were escaping from Charlie's wand.

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