Chapter 28: The Wedding

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Chapter 28: The Wedding

"This is going to suck so much ass," I said as Charlie milled around the room, gathering his things.

"It's just a wedding, sweetheart," he said and smiled. "It'll be over before you know it. Then, we get to go home and enjoy the night. Tomorrow, you'll wake up and you'll have nothing else to dread."

"I guess," I murmured, pulling my knees to my chest as he rifled through the closet, pulling his suit out.

"You guess," he repeated with a chuckle. "I've got to go meet with the other guys. I'll see you soon." I leaned up so he could press a kiss on my cheek.

I watched as Charlie slipped out of the bedroom, leaving the door cracked open behind him. I sighed and fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.


I looked up to see Ginny cautiously pushing the door open.

"Yeah, Gin, come in," I said and folded my arms behind my head. "What brings you up here?"

"Mum wanted me to get you up. Charlie said you didn't want to get up when he went through to get ready."

"Yeah, well, he's a snitch," I said and glanced over at Ginny. "What's up?"

"I just told you-"

"No, there's something else. I can tell," I said and sat up, patting the spot beside me on the bed. "Spill."

Ginny sat on the bed beside me and sighed.

"Harry broke up with me a little while ago," she confessed. "And mum said he's going to be at the wedding today."

"His loss."

"He did it to 'protect' me," Ginny said and scoffed, sniffling softly.

"Men are such dipshits," I said and set my hand on her arm. "They have this savior complex and they have, like, an obsession with the idea of protecting and saving. It's kind of stupid, honestly, because they often hurt people while trying to protect them."

Ginny laughed. "I understand why he did it but it still sucks," she said. "Did Charlie ever do things like that?"

"Charlie was always insistent that we were meant to be together and that nothing could separate us. So, no, he never did anything like Harry did. But he is protective in other ways. He's always seemed to care more about my safety than I do. I'm reckless and it gets on his nerves, so he's constantly undermining my self-destructive tendencies," I said and picked at a loose thread on the duvet.

"I wish Harry was more like that," Ginny said, watching my hands.

"I don't envy you at all," I admitted, "but Harry really likes you. I'm sure you guys will find your way back together... Well, we'd better get down there before your mom comes and hunts us down."

"Y/N, could you keep this between us? Not everyone really knows that Harry and I dated in the first place," she said.

"Of course, Gin."

"Thanks," she said and stood up, holding her hands out to help me up.

"Merlin, Ginny, you've gotten tall," I said and shook my head as we left the room and began to descend the stairs together.

"Ah, there you are!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed and grabbed my shoulders, tugging me into a tight hug. "Thank you, Ginny."

Ginny nodded in response.

"You two need to start getting ready for the wedding," Mrs. Weasley said with a chipper smile.

I shot Ginny a disgruntled look and accepted a cup of tea from Mrs. Weasley.

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