Love Burns

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Hello! Welcome to 'Love Burns'!

This is the second book in the 'Playing With Fire' series. If you haven't read 'Playing With Fire', I would recommend that you do that prior to reading this. You'll find the book on my profile.

Some things to note before we get started:

-This will be written with Y/N as a place to substitute your name (although there are programs that you can use to change it to any name that you'd like)

-the reader will have she/her pronouns

-I do not speak Romanian, so any Romanian dialogue is pasted directly from Google translate. That's just something that we all have to accept. There might be errors, so I apologize if there are.

-There will be mature content, including language, violence, and sexual scenes.

-this book contains spoilers for the Harry Potter book series, and it may not stick to the timeline in certain areas.

-The first update will be on April 22nd!

I'm so glad that you decided to read my book. I would appreciate any feedback because I absolutely love to read comments, and I would appreciate votes if you enjoy the story. Once again, thank you!

Happy reading!


Love Burns (Charlie Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now