Chapter 26: The Funeral

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Chapter 26: The Funeral

I watched through the mirror as Charlie straightened his tie, loosening his collar with a sigh. He met my eyes through the mirror and frowned, running a hand through his wild curls. Without a word, I stood and stepped between him and the mirror. He looked at me with solemn eyes, his hands dropping to his sides.

I reached up to fix his hair. Charlie hunched down as I tucked stray strands of his hair away, smoothing down his hair.

"You look nice," he said after a moment.

I looked down at my dress. All black.

"All things considered," he added and chewed on his bottom lip.

I nodded and took a step back.

"We should get going. We'll have to walk to the castle," I said and grabbed his hand. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me, apparating us to Hogsmeade.

"I can't believe..." Charlie trailed off, looking to me. I can't believe he's dead.

"I know. Me neither."

"I always thought he would outlive me," Charlie said with a quiet chuckle as we began to walk from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts.

"Did you?" I asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Honestly," he said.

"He always seemed kind of... immortal," I said slowly. "But I've always felt sort of invincible. I suppose that's why I'm so reckless all the time."

Charlie frowned. "Things like this... they really open your eyes, huh?"

"They do," I agreed.

"It could have been anybody. Why him?" Charlie asked, setting his jaw.

"I don't know, Charlie."

We finished the walk in silence, coming to find hundreds of chairs arranged in neat rows. Charlie and I chose seats near Bill and Fleur, who were already seated.

"Hey," Charlie said as he took a seat beside Bill, setting his hand on his brother's shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," Bill dismissed immediately, waving his hand through the air.

"He is healing," Fleur said, setting her hand on Bill's forearm.

Mrs. Weasley hugged Charlie, setting her hands on his cheeks as she whispered to him, tears welling in her eyes.

"I know, mum. Me too," he responded, leaning to hug her.

"Have a seat, Y/N," Mr. Weasley insisted.

"Thank you," I said. "How are you, Mr. Weasley?"

"Oh, I'm doing as well as is expected," he said with a small smile. "You're enjoying work at the sanctuary?"

"I am," I said. "I-" My words died in my throat when I saw him.

The tall, lanky figure. Wild hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Before I had a chance to say anything, the crowd suddenly became hushed. Looking back, I saw that the service was beginning. Hagrid was walking through the aisle between the chairs with Dumbledore's body in his arms.

I took a deep breath and looked at my lap. I hadn't been to a funeral since my father's. I hated them.

The ceremony was shorter than I had expected. After a short speech and a few ceremonial traditions, people began to stand and mill about. I watched as Scrimageour trailed after Harry. Charlie was pulled aside by Shacklebolt. I had only one person on my mind.

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