Chapter 14: Control

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Chapter 14: Control

"One more day of mandatory time off," Charlie said as he came into the kitchen where I was making tea. "Make the most of it, my dear, as you'll be off of probation in no time, and then it'll be back to work as usual."

"Not much will be different except I could literally be fired at any time," I said.

"I adore your optimism," he said and pressed a kiss on the side of my neck as he passed me.

"It's true," I said and shrugged my shoulders as I poured tea into a cup for Charlie. I added sugar and cream to his cup and handed it to him. His eyes lit up as he accepted the cup.

"You won't be fired," he said and shook his head as if I had suggested I could be abducted by aliens at any time.

"I could be," I insisted and poured my tea into a cup, leaning on the counter.

"I would quit if you got fired," he said suddenly.

"No, you wouldn't. That would be incredibly stupid," I said.

"I would organize a resistance and slowly undermine the entire establishment. We would oust Balaur from his spot and fire Hana's ass," he said gravely, setting his cup down on the counter.

"Would you?"

"Yeah, and then, I would rehire you and make you the new boss of the sanctuary-"

"I don't want to be the boss," I interjected.

"We'd let Dmitri be the boss or something," he said and waved his hand through the air. "We'd ban flip-flops."

"A good move," I confirmed with a nod.

"And we'd make goatees illegal," he finished.

"Sounds like an amazing plan," I said and took a sip of my tea.

"Thank you."

"I'm lying to you. That's an awful plan," I said and shook my head.

"Do you have a plan?" he asked defensively.

"Yeah," I said. "Don't get fired."

"That's actually pretty good," he said. "Balaur wouldn't fire you. He's just doing what he has to to escape the heat, you know? If he didn't put you on probation, Hana would have a conniption and there'd be a ton of chaos. But he would never fire you. You're indispensable."

"Well, it hurt my ego," I said and pouted.

"I'm not saying it's right by any means, but I do see some logic behind it. He's the only one with the power to fire you, so he knows that probation won't really harm you. The only thing it will do is calm Hana down," Charlie said and finished the rest of his tea in a large gulp. "Merlin knows she needs to be calmed down."

"I guess that makes some sense," I said and took his cup. "More tea?"

"No, thank you," he said. "I have to shower. I've got a quick meeting with Balaur about Randy and then I'll be back. You, relax, and I'll make us some lunch when I get back. And I'm going to be passive-aggressive, in case you were wondering, so that Balaur knows he's a little bitch."

"My hero," I said sarcastically as I rinsed his cup out and brought mine to the couch.

Charlie was out of the shower and gone in no time, leaving me alone with my lukewarm tea and a goodbye kiss. I finished my tea quickly and got dressed, trying to think of something to occupy me. As much as I longed for days off while I was working, being home all day was boring enough to have me itching to return to the hospital.

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