Chapter 22: The Supply Room

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Chapter 22: The Supply Room

"Y/N, can we talk?"

"I'm on the clock," I said but waited.

"I don't know what's going on with you but it seems as if you've been avoiding me," Danny said and leaned on the counter.

"I'm just a busy woman," I said with a shrug.

"I don't want anything to change between us because of what happened. It doesn't have to be awkward."

"And what exactly is making it awkward?" I asked.

"I know you like to keep your tough facade, so it probably made you feel vulnerable or embarrassed to come here in the state you were in," Danny said. "But I want you to know that I didn't think anything of it until I had to try to figure out why you were avoiding me. It's the best I could come up with."

"That's exactly it. You know, not many people get to see these crocodile tears."

"So, we're good then?" he asked.

"We're good."

"So I'll be seeing you then?"

"Of course. You couldn't keep me away if you tried."

"Good," he said and smiled. "I missed you, sugar."

"I missed you too, Danny," I said and slipped out of the door quickly, not looking behind me.

The first half of my shift passed quickly. There wasn't much to be done at the hospital. I got a headstart on the evening inventory and restocked potions and salves.

"Y/N!" Dmitri shouted. "The boyfriend is here!"

"In how many pieces?" I shouted back.

"One, and the piece is in my damn way!" I grinned to myself and put the last salve away before walking out to the treatment room. Charlie's face lit up when he saw me, waving in my direction with a goofy smile.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Alcott's broken," he said. "Randy didn't lock up a pen right and Alcott broke her ankle."

"Dumbass," I muttered. "Should have been fired ages ago. Need help, Dmitri?"

"I've got it. Get the boy toy out of my space," he grumbled in response.

"Gladly," I said and grinned, grabbing Charlie's arm and dragging him toward the storage room where I was doing inventory. "Want to help me?"

"Sure," he said.

"Okay, don't break anything," I said and showed him how to sort potions by the date brewed and by their uses.

"Simple enough," he said. "I don't think I'll fuck it up too bad."

"I talked to Danny today," I said, looking at Charlie over my shoulder.

"Yeah? How'd it go?"

"Kind of shitty. But he's convinced I was avoiding him because I was embarrassed about him seeing me crying. Bastard doesn't know I have no shame," I said.

"I guess that's good," he said and shrugged his shoulders. "At least he doesn't know that you saw what you did. You just have to keep it that way for as long as you can."

"It's hard," I said and frowned to myself as I finished restocking Skelegrow potions. "I'm not good at hiding my emotions."

"Done," Charlie said and stepped back. I checked over his work with an impressed nod.

"Good job," I said. "Maybe you should work here. Then I could have a hot coworker."

Charlie quirked his eyebrow. "Really?"

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