Chapter Fifteen

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Zayn Malik

It was our first day working at Robin's Pizzeria. We knew nothing about making pizza or wings for that matter. Making a salad was easy, cutting up cucumbers, tomatoes, and any other things that customers wanted.

          The pizzeria isn't a normal sized restaurant. It's a much smaller pizzeria and the kitchen takes up more space than the resting area or if you are eating inside at the tables.

          The walls looked like they were painted in three different colors, but we're running out of those three colors. Black, white, and beige.

          Plants sat higher on the walls, closer to the ceiling, a caramel colored booth ran along the wall on the left with small square tables in front of it.

          Wooden tables and side chairs were in neat rows along with booths. High variation wooden flooring with lamps hanging from the ceiling as the light covers the tables.

Down the hallway, where Robin's office is, there is another door that leads to a locker room/break room. Liam, Louis, and I were shown to that room by Robin.

The break room was similar to the front of the pizzeria with the flooring and the walls. There was a small kitchen attached to the right side of the room, small lockers on the wall in front of you, a rectangular wooden table in the middle of the room, and a couch along with arms chairs on the left side of the room.

"The lockers with your names on them have your uniform inside." Robin tells us. "Go put them on, the bathroom is in that corner and when you're done just come knock on my office door."

We nod our heads and as Robin walks out of the room, we head to the lockers with our names written on it along with other names. It was quite quiet in the room as we opened the lockers and grabbed our uniforms.

"Do you guys mind if I head in first?" I asked them.

"No." They both said and I nod my head slightly and walk over to the bathroom.

          The uniforms were a simple black t-shirt with Robin's Pizzeria on the back with red bold letters and my name was sewn on the front. The uniform didn't have pants, so I guess it was good enough with my black pants.

          As I was looking over the t-shirt, I heard voices coming from behind the door and they sounded familiar. I ran my fingers through my black hair and turned the knob of the door.

          When I walked out of the room, I saw not only Louis and Liam, but Harry and Niall laughing with them. Once I walked out, everyone turns their heads over to look at me.

           "Hey, Zayn!" Niall and Harry greet me as I made my way over to them. I didn't know them as well as Louis and Liam do, so there wasn't much hugging on over here.

           "Hey, what are you guys doing here? Do you work here?" I ask them. This was my way of getting to know them and maybe having a closer relationship with the both of them.

           "No. Well, not officially." Harry says. "I help out Robin once in a while and Niall wanted to come and make sure you guys were settling in alright." I nod my head.

           "We're doing alright. Robin had us get lockers and put on uniforms, which is just a shirt." Harry laughed.

           "They're not much of a uniform, but customers only see from the waist up so it only made sense to have a shirt." Harry said and I nod in agreement.

           "We can help you guys out today? If you want, he have done this before and it could be hard at first if you don't know what you are doing." Niall adds.

           "Sure. That sounds great! How about it boys?" Liam asks us.

           We all nod. It wouldn't be too bad to have some help around here since I've never worked at a pizzeria before. This shouldn't be too bad for the next few weeks.

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