Chapter Four

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college classes & contest results

    "Ugh! I hate Monday's." 

    Harry looks up from his phone to look at Niall who was laying his head down on the table. His hair was a mess as if he had just woken up, which by the looks of it he did.

    "That's what you said yesterday. And the day before that and the day before that." Harry said to him as he went back to looking at his phone.

    "You don't get it." Niall grumbles after casting a glance at Harry. "You're always so chipper in the mornings. Like take it down a notch, will ya?" Niall rolls his eyes as Harry chuckles.

    "Sorry. I'll try to keep that in mind." Harry smiles. Niall smiles back in return and goes back to complaining about why he even decided to go to college in the first place.

For the next hour and fifteen minutes Harry and Niall learned about the history of music and a few of the very first musicians. By the end of the lecture, Professor Lantsov had assigned a research paper that was due next week on one of the musicians they had reviewed in class. It came to no surprise that Niall began complaining.

    "Can't my research paper write itself?" Niall complains. "Because there is no way I'm writing a three page essay about some rando who literally wouldn't give two shits about me and you wanna know why they wouldn't give two shits? Because they're dead. They're so dead that they wouldn't care if I wrote a research paper about them or not. I could write a research paper so bad and they wouldn't care. Wanna know why?" Niall rants.

    "Because they're dead." Harry says.

    "Because they're dead." Niall agrees.

"How about this Friday I go get some pizza from the pizzeria and we work on the research paper together?" Harry suggested.

"The Niall Special?" Niall asks.

    "The Niall Special." Harry says with a nod.


    Later that day, Niall found himself in his bed. Which wasn't a surprise, but he wasn't sleeping this time. He was hanging off it with his head nearly touching the ground. With a watermelon flavored piece of gum in his mouth, Niall was in his own world. Imagining a world where he had no research paper to do.

    Without realizing it at first, Niall started to pat his belly with his hands that soon began making a beat to a familiar song. After the patting began, the humming started along with moving his head side to side with the beat he made with his hands.

    "Dado-dado-do-dooo" became the lyrics of the song that was in his head. Niall found himself sitting up from his laying position and dancing robotically.

    "Everybody look to their left." Niall moved his head to the left. "Everybody look to their right." Niall moved his head with his fingers to look to the right like he was a bobble head. "Can you feel that, yeah we're paying with love tonight." Niall sang as he got up from his bed.

    "It's not about the money, money, money. We don't need your money, money, money. We just wanna make the world dance. Forget about the price tag. Ain't about the uh cha-ching, cha-ching. Ain't about the yeah b-bling, b-bling. Wanna make the world dance. Forget about the price ta-" Niall sang as he danced like nobody was watching, but if Harry could see him. He would not hear the end of it and would forever be embarrassed.

    Niall got cut off from his immaculate singing and dancing skills due to his phone making a loud dinging noise, indicating that he had a notification. Niall immediately stopped dancing and singing as he looked around the room as if he was just caught. Niall put his hands to his sides and cleared his throat before walking back over to his bed to retrieve his phone.

    "Cha-ching, cha-ching. B-bling, b-bling." Niall mumbles as he opens his phone. With head movements that could not be described, Niall began singing and dancing again before abruptly stopping. "Okay, Niall. Enough." Niall said to himself as he took a deep breath in and released it a moment later.

    Niall opened his eyes to see what the notification was about and all the singing and dancing left his body as he read what the notification was. On his phone screen was a notification from Instagram letting Niall know that One Directed had made a post.

    The contest results, thought Niall. Niall hurriedly clicked on the notification and waited impatiently as the post loaded. Once loaded, Niall briefly read through the description and quickly jumped to the list of names that had won the contest. Niall's blue eyes scanned every name until it stopped on a particular set of names.

    Niall Horan & Harry Styles

    Niall and Harry were one of the winners of the contest. Niall was silent for a moment. "Of course they picked me! Who wouldn't? I'm the champion!" Niall began walking like he owned the place with his arms out like he won a fight. "I'm the winner! I'm the champion! I did that shit. Who did it? I did!" Niall pats his chest hard to which he winces at. "Owww! Why did I do that? What is wrong with me?" Niall says as he smooths over his chest where he had hurt himself.

    It was safe to say that Niall was extremely happy no matter how much his chest hurt in that moment. And he definitely couldn't wait to tell Harry.

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