Chapter Five

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the big news & the niall special

    Niall found himself in the library staring at his computer screen that wasn't actually his computer. He may have seen Harry put his laptop in his bag before he went to the restroom and Niall may have found himself unzipping Harry's bag and may have put the laptop in his own bag.

     Over the past few days, Niall has been contemplating how to tell Harry that they had won the contest. "He doesn't even like One Direction" Niall mumbled to himself as he scrolled up and down on the computer that was showing his research paper.

It was currently Friday, which meant that Harry and Niall were planning on having a night in with pizza while they finish or rather start their research papers. As Niall remembered their plans, he decided that is when he'll tell Harry about the contest results.

With that thought, Niall closed the computer and put his things away before hurrying out of the library. The library wasn't too far from the dormitory and Niall could be in his room in ten minutes, five if he speed walked. But Niall was in no rush. After all, it was only five in the afternoon and Harry was still in class for another twenty minutes, so no rush.

Niall made it to the dormitory in five minutes.


Around 6:45 pm Harry had made his way over to their shared room in the dormitory. Once Harry unlocked the door, he found Niall spinning in circles as he balanced a pencil on his nose. When the door closed and made a clicking sounds, Niall looks over toward the door to see Harry staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

     "Harry! Hey, how's h-how was class? How's life? What are you" Niall squints his eyes in a manner of he wasn't really sure why he was even asking.

     "Well, I live here. Class was fine and life is, you know, fine." Harry walks over to his bed to set his bag on the covered mattress.

     "That's cool. Cool cool cool." Niall nods his head. "So!" Niall claps his hands loudly enough that it startled Harry. "R-remember when I entered us in that contest for that band you hate?" Niall asks as he taps his fingers on the arms of the chair he was sitting in.

     "I don't remember hating on a band?" Harry says confusingly.

     "Right. Right. One Direction, you know, the hot guys." Niall reminded Harry.

     "The hot guys?" Harry asked, already forgetting.

     "Niall-I mean Louis, Zayn, and Liam." Niall corrected himself as a blush began to spread over his cheeks.

     "Did you just include yourself as a band member?" Harry laughed.

     "No, I don't know what you're talking about. Anyways, the contest. I entered into a contest to which they will spend a day...with school...following us around...for a whole day...and we won, so yeah." As Niall told Harry the news, it seemed like he was beginning to understand what will be happening and everything was starting to sink in.

    "Ok." Harry replied. "I'm going to get us some pizza and then we'll get to writing our research papers. You still want the Niall Special?"  Harry asked.

    "What? Oh, yeah! Th-that's what I want." Niall said as he was dumbfounded at the simple response he got from his friend.

    And with that, Harry walked out of the room leaving Niall confused because it seemed Niall had worried about nothing.

     "Well, there's that."


     As Harry walked into Robin's Pizzeria, he was greeted by both Grace and Violet. Violet was sitting on a wooden stool as she was leaning back against the wall while chewing a piece of gum. Grace was talking to a few customers that were still eating with a friendly smile on her face, which was the complete opposite of Violet as she just said some very unkind words to a customer who happened to be asking for her number.

"I see you're as cheery as ever." Harry said once he walked over to Violet, who gave him a bright smile.

"Always." Violet blew one last bubble before she took it out of her mouth with a napkin, to which she threw away straight after. "So, here because Niall can't seem to have enough? What is it? His tenth meal today?" Violet says with a smirk.

"I bribed him with the special, so he would do his research paper." Harry replied.

"Hmm." Violet studied Harry with her brown eyes. "Halley, order the Niall Special to go." Violet said to a girl with light brown hair with a purple tint to it that was in two loose braids that just so happened to be walking by.

     "Sure, it'll be out shortly." The girl said toward Harry with a gentle smile.

     "She's new." Harry commented.

     "Want to know what else is new? Those three guys over there." Violet pointed out to a table in the corner of the restaurant where there sat three guys talking amongst themselves.

     As Harry studied them, one of the guys turned his head and connected eyes with him. "Interesting." Harry mused.


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