Studying Emotional Bond 📚

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"Come on, I did it before?" I've been at the for hours now. Someone must be watching. Fuck this I need to sit for a bit.

Sit in the chair, stare at the ceiling. I have to make them think I'm not a threat. So they let me out of here. But what do these people what with us? Fuck me I feel tired though. Why? When they took us it was morning. I shouldn't be tired. Why is everything going blurry?

Fuck! It's gas, I cover my nose, mouth with my shirt. "What the fuck? You're gassing me now?"

I get up run to the door, try to open it. Fuck it's sealed shut.



Shit, I sent my emotions.


Shit! Now I'm panicking more, this isn't helping me! I'm breathing more of it in. I have to try to be calm. Please, calm down Tsu... Oh, fu...

- Tsubaki -

"She's out sir."

"Good, move her to another cell." Tsuyuki that little bastard.

"Yes, Sir!"

Why are they moving her? I have to get out of here.

"There's no use trying to escape Tsubaki. We've taken extra precaution this time. Hence the rode in your mouth. Now that you have an Eve, we can't have you biting her, now can we?"

That bastard!

"This emotional bond you two share. It's interesting... I never would have picked you to have an Eve. Let alone a strong emotional bond. Just then with the room filling with gas, she shows signs of distress. It wasn't till we told you, she started to become more distressed. To the point, she was breathing in large amounts. Or when she was able to calm you down when she first woke up. This is all very interesting, and well worth the study." I hear the door shut.

How dare they use (Y/N)! She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.




She must be awake, I have to get out of here and find her. But I can't, they have me bound tighter than last time.


She still loves me, even though I got her into this mess.




I'm sorry I've gotten you into this mess, my little vixen. Please forgive me.

Regret/Deep Melancholic

- (Y/N) -

Tsubaki... He must feel terrible about what's happening. I feel like I'm about to cry. Please don't cry Tsubaki.

Deeper Love/Reassurance

Deeper Melancholic

No Tsubaki, please don't sink. Doesn't matter how much I feel love for him, he sinks deeper. I need to see him, how am I going to get out of here. My body feels so drained, I don't even know how long I was out for. I try to open my eyes, sit up. There's nothing in the room, except me. Yay... What am I going to do now?


I can't see any cameras again, there eight lights. One in each corner and on the wall. I sit in the middle of the room, staring at the door. I wonder why no one came to see me yet? Surely they would want to ask me questions. I haven't made an attempt to escape yet. Or they've just left me here to die.

At the moment all I feel is melancholic. I feel like I'm sinker deeper and deeper as time drags on. Come on Tsubaki, I know it seems bad now. We'll find a way out of this. I hope...

- Time Skip Few Hours -

Man, my head pumping, I feel sick and my eyes are sore. I might lay down for a bit. The lights are so bright, can't they at least turn them down so I can sleep.

I close my eyes to get some sleep. Hope I wake up with a plan.


"Wake up Miss (Y/N)." It that prick again.

"Fuck off, I'm sleeping." I hide my head in my arm.

"Sleeping won't fix your problems. You've been separated for too long. Five more hours you'll turn into a fox."

"At least I'll have tails to cover my eyes as I sleep." I sit up, fuck I feel sick. "You going to feed me, or you going to let me die of salvation?"

"I don't think you understand, in eleven hours you'll be dead. You've already been separated for 13 hours."

"What you don't understand is that I'm hungry. Why don't you get off your ass get me something to eat! I already feel sick, I'm tired, my eyes are sore and I have a headache from these mother fucking blinding lights!"

"The way you're feeling is from the separation. And -"

I quickly grab him by the shirt, cut him off. "Get me something to fucking eat now! And a bottle of water!"

Men charge in guns pointing at me, "you may want to release me. if you want to live."

"From what you're saying I'll be dead in few hours. So what's it matter if I get shot? Tsubaki will know that I'm dead. And you're all going to die!" I lean in close to his ear, "I hope you die a slow painful death." I throw him back into one of the men.

I glare at the men around me, waiting for one of them to pull the trigger.

"Stand down," they lower their weapons. "I'll have someone bring you something to eat and water. It's not going to fix your problem."

"Shut the fuck up and get out."

They all leave the room, the door closes behind.

Suck shit you prick, you just lost your card. I thought it would be hard, having the cameras watching me. The men coming in, and blocking the view. Made it so much easier for me. Thank you, Mr Tsuyuki Syuhei. Thank you so very much ~

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