Sakuya 🌸

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Walk into the middle of the room, as Sakuya looks out the window. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm not going to tell you anything..."

"That's not what I ask."

"Why did you even give me the money? That's 10 grand!?"

"Because I can, I didn't want to give it to the others. Yes, I know it was 10 G, I did steal it after all." Walk over sit on the bed, place the money down. "Now I've answered your question. Can you be kind enough to answer mine, please?"

He turns around, "why do you care?"

"Because I can, and I will."

"If you think you can buy your way. Yo-"

"I'm not trying to buy you. I don't buy anyone, you're paying for someone to betrayal someone else. If they're easily brought than why have them." He looks taken back. "I care cause I can see the pain in your eyes. The moment when Shamrock told you to kill yourself. I saw it, and for a moment you considered it."

"No, I didn't. Why would I?"

"You're lying, I can see it and hear it Sakuya." I stood up walk towards him, he got his knives out.

"Don't come any closer..." His hands were shaking.

I easily knock them out of his hand, pulled him in. "I don't know what life you had before now. I won't push unless I feel need too. Just know this will always be your home, and you're always welcome here." I hug him tightly.

Feel his arms wrap around, bury his head into my neck. I can hear muffled cries, stay there till he feels he's ready.

After a while, he pulls away turns around. "You know it was hard not to bite you. But you are Tsubaki's Eve." He starts laughing.

"You are such a liar Sakkun," as I laugh.


"You don't like it? I can call you Sa-"

"No, Sakkun fine. I mean pfft I don't care."

"Lair," I hug him again. "I'm free whenever you want to talk."

Pulled away went to head out. "So this is really mine? All of it?"

"Sure is, every last note." I open the door, Tsubaki standing there with his ear against the door.

"TSUBAKI! I told you not to eavesdrop!" I punch him in the gut since I can't smack his head. He doubles over. I step around and go to heat my pancakes. "Bloody fox..."


"Why do we have to come?" Pinky whine and carried on.

"1 I don't have enough towels for everyone. 2 Everyone gets their own set of towels. 3 We need food, and I don't know what everybody eats. 4 Cause I said so!" I walk head with Tsubaki in my arms, lazy fox. Before I knew he was a Servamp thought it was cute. Now I realise he's just bloody lazy.

"We're here, behave I work here." We stop in front of my work.

"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing here? You brought Tsubaki too! Hi Tsubaki!"

"Haha, hey Suzie. Come to get some towels and whatnot." Everyone walk-in after me.

"Hello, my names Suzie. Nice to meet friends of (Y/N)."

They said hello or waved, went off in the store. Tsubaki followed after them.

"Suzie, did you need to do anything while I'm here? Swap change or get supplies? Food? Haha."

"Yes, all of that."

"Off you go I'll watch the store."

"Thanks a bunch!" I wave her off.

"You really work in this dump?" Shamrock walks around.

"Yes, I do. I actually like working here. Now pick a colour."


After everyone chose their colours, I waited for Suzie to come back. The others left it was just Sakkun, Tsubaki and I left in the store. We were talking away, till Mahiru and Kuro walk in. "Hey, Sakuya you're here?"

"Hey, Mahiru..." Awkward silence.

"Were you looking for anything?" I ask.

"(Y/N) I wanted to talk to you about something."

"She knows Mahiru, they have a temporary contract." Sakkun seems a little annoyed.

"Temporary?" Kuro asked.

"Yeah see how I feel about it."

They both eye Tsubaki off, "this isn't interesting at all." He hops off the counter and heads for the door.

"I take it you don't want me as your Eve?"

"What do you mean?" Mahiru asks.

"The distance-limit, stay separate and you'll die?" I was a little confused.

"If you're separated for 6 hours you'll start to feel sick. 18 hour you both change into Servamp's respective animal form. Reaches 24 hours then you will die."

"Tsubaki!" Lean over the counter watching. "Think you miss an important part of information!!"

"Haha, don't worry Kuro did the same thing too."

"Is there anything else I need to know. Since he won't tell me."

"Sure," he smiled.


After Mahiru finish telling me about Servamps and Eves. The three of us started talking, Sakkun started to relax. Suzie finally came back, after getting everything done. We did the grocery shopping came back home.

Now late at night, lay on the bed after a shower. "Man I spent so much money today..."

I got no reply, "guess he's not in here."

"I'll listen to some music till I fall sleep."

- Tsubaki -

Watch as everyone enjoy the things that (Y/N) got them today. Except for Sakuya who was in his room, with his new laptop. Now talking to Mahiru...

"Tsu-Tsu what's the matter?"

"Nothing..." Walk back into our room, see she's asleep listening to music.

"I could easily drink your blood and make you my Eve."

"Yes you could, any point of the day you could of. So why didn't you?"

"Thought you were sleeping..."

"Almost but I heard you come in." She got up and close the door.

"What are you doing?" Climbs on the bed push me down.

"Shut up, and go to sleep."


"You always cuddle up to me. Now I want to cuddle up to you." She cuddles up to me, rests her head on my chest.

"Hahahahaha... You're not interesting at all..."

"And you want me to be your Eve. How stupid are you," she starts giggling.

Not long till I hear her soft snores. "Yes, I do..."

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now