Escaping 👋

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The footsteps get closer, I ready my bow. People flood into the room, "Vixen! Tsubaki!" They take their helmet off.

"RED!" Run over and hug him.

"What the fuck is going on? You've missing for three days!"

"C3 kidnap, study, starved, thirsty, study, now breaking out."

"I see, lets get out of here. The others are helping Sakuya free the others."

"Good, let's go I've had enough of these knob heads."

Tsubaki walks past us, "not till I've killed everyone that's starved my vixen..."

I run over and grab his arm, pull him back. He glares at me, "Freya said you've changed. Let's get the rest of our family and leave."

He pulls out of my hold. "No, I'm going to -"

I grab his arm again, "Tsubaki please let's just out of here! I don't want any of us to get hurt. Let's get the others and go!" He looks back out the door. "Please Tsubaki, I want to get the knob heads back as well. But I rather our family be safe. Please Tsubaki!"

He looks away, "next time..."

"Yes, next time. Now let's get everyone home."

Red heads out the door, "this -" Tsubaki shakes me off leaves, "way..." Tsubaki walks back up the corridor. "He's not listening..."

I walk out, "no he's not..."

"I'll rally the rest, you go control your Servamp boyfriend."

"I'll try..."

"Everyone head out!" Off goes Red and the others.

I run off to catch up to Tsubaki. "Tsubaki what are you doing?"

"Going to find the others..."

I'm overcome with murderous intent. "Certainly doesn't feel like that."

"They took us from our home! They kidnap, gased you!"

"If they attack us, go for -" With that, he's gone... "It... I better catch up to him, before he kills one of our own... TSUBAKI!" He stops thank gawd, katanas appear. "Make sure they're not our own first Tsubaki!"

"Big Sis it's okay, they're with us." I look down the left corridor Sakuya and the others and the skull are with him. They stop next to me, "I guess Tsubaki getting payback?"

I look back down the corridor the katana fly down the right corridor. "You could say that..."

"Vixen, Red and the others are waiting for us on the outside." Fire walks over.

"Soon as Tsubaki had his..." I look down the corridor see him laughing. "Fun, we'll leave."

"You picked one hell of a Servamp."

"I'm going to get Tsubaki..." I walk down the corridor, "Tsub -" A sword comes flying in on my left. I duck out of the way. I look its Freya and a blonde-haired girl. So much for being on our side... "Tsubaki it's time to go!" He keeps laughing, "NOW TSUBAKI!!"

He stops walks over to him, he looks down the corridor. "Hello, Big Sister."

"You know I can't let you leave."

"If you had listened to me, we could have been gone now."

"Thank you."

"Huh?" Why did he say thank you?

"Don't thank me."

He nods, "uhh!" He picks me up and runs. "Tsubaki!"

We passed the others, "we're on the move! Head out!" Fire shouts run after us, everyone else follows.

"Tsubaki do you even know where we're going?"

He starts laughing, "a fox can find his way out of wolves den."

I wrap my arms around his neck, "let's go home."

"Not so fast," there's the knob head... Stand right in front of us...

"Knew this was too easy..."

Tsubaki places me down, walks over to him. "Young Master!" Shamrock comes forward. "Let me handle this!"

He raises his hand, Shamrock stops. "No."

"No?" He askes.

In a flash, Tsubaki grabs him, the others stand off with the soldiers. "You made (Y/N) stuffer. You'll suffer as she did." He tightens his grip around his throat.

I walk over to him, "Tsubaki don't waste time with this knob jockey. Let's go home," I calm myself. All I can feel is his anger. "Tsubaki I want to go home now."

Tsubaki drops him, "this is boring." He picks me up, "I'm taking you home."

I hear a chime, we're outside? "What are yous doing? Get in already!" I look over to Red, he has the van door open. "Hurry up already!"

The rest pile into vans, "Tsubaki?"

He starts walking over to Red's van. He steps in sits at the back, the others step in. Red closes the door, the van takes off.

I snuggle into him, "this won't happen again. I promise."

"I know you'll protect me, my love." I cup his cheek, kiss him.

"I hate to interpret your moment."

I look up at Red, "what is it?"

"Your place was trashed, you can't go back. Don't worry we got all your personal possessions. You will have to move, to ensure that C3 don't come again."

"I know, we'll move somewhere that's boring."

"You're not interesting at all."

"You're the one that bit me, hahaha."

"Let me guess you're going to 'that' place?"

"Huh? What place?" Tsubaki looks at me.

"You'll have to wait and see."

"No, fun at all."

"It's settled while you're all resting. I'll make arrangements"

"Thank you ~"

"Yeah, yeah," he walks off.

"Tell me my little vixen, where are we moving to?"

"It's a surprise, my todd."

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now