Leaving Tokyo 👋🏼

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"Hey, (Y/N). What's up?"

"Hey, Suzie. Just calling let you know I won't be coming into work anymore."

"What? What happens? Is it that I've been taking all the shifts? You can have them back."

"No, it's not that Suzie. Something came up, family business."

"I hope everyone is okay."

"Everyone okay, I'll be leaving town. Don't worry I've already e-mailed the boss. She's already looking for someone to fill my spot."

"Oh okay... I hope everything works out for you and your family."

"Thanks, Suzie. I'll message you when I can."

"Okay, I'll talk to you then."

"Bye Suzie."

"See ya (Y/N)."

I hang up the phone. "Where are we going?" Tsubaki pulls me onto the bed.

"You'll have to wait and see ~"

"Tell me," he grazes his fangs on my shoulder.

"Mmm ~ No, you can wait and see."

"I don't want to wait," he bites down.

"You can wait ~ Now stop we have to get ready to leave." I get out of his grip, finish packing.

"You're not interesting at all..."

"You didn't have to bit me ~"

"Mmmm..." He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Start packing, we're leaving in the morning."

"After I have you, I will." He pulls me flush with his body. "Now where to bite this time ~" He runs his finger down between my breast.

"Tsubaki ~"

- Timeskip Next Morning -

"The van pack, it's got everything you need. Here's an untrackable card, has all the money you'll need. New phones for everyone, Sakuya Mahiru's number already been added for you." Red throws him a new phone.

"Thanks," he unlocks starts playing around with it.

"The new place has food already so you don't need anything for a bit. Power and net already on, just need to connect to the wifi."

"Awesome, thanks Red. And you're sure you're okay taking lead for a while?"

"Ha, I've been waiting for you to hand it over."

"Oh ha ha, funny..."

"Haha, I'm fine taking over for a while. It's time you took a break. You've done so much for everyone. Hell, you can even retire if you want."

"You want to get rid of me that badly?"

"If I answer yes, I still get the place right?" I punch him, "get going. I'll come visit once you've settled in."

I hug him, "thanks again, Rex."

"Anything for family, get going."

"Okay, everyone time to live. Shammy you're in the front." I make my way to the van.

"Don't call me Shammy!"

"To late ~" Tsubaki grabs my wrist stops me from getting in, glares at me. "What's wrong?"

"Where do you expect me to sit in the back?"

"In my lap? You know so can sleep, be close to me? Unless you want to help with directions?"

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now