Why? ❓

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I hear (Y/N)'s soft snoring. Good, she's asleep. Time to pay Big Brother a visit. I leave the room quietly, jump out the bathroom window.

I was starting to enjoy my boring life with (Y/N). Turn her alarms off, so she would be late this morning. Moving things around on her, or things would disappear. Then Big Brother and his Eve had to mess things up.

Stop a rooftop away, see they're still awake. I hop on to the balcony and open the door. "Hello Big Brother, Mahiru."

"Tsubaki what are you doing here? Where's (Y/N)?" Mahiru asks.

"At home asleep..."

"What are you doing here?" Big Brother repeated.

"Telling you to leave (Y/N) and me alone..."

"Do you plan on making (Y/N) your Eve?" Why does Mahiru ask stupid questions?

"Hahahaha... Oh, this isn't interesting..."

"Answer the question!" Big Brother shouts.

I play with the bracelet that was now a necklace.

"You are planning to make her your Eve. But why? You've never entertained the idea of having an Eve. Why now? Why her?" Big Brother continues to shout.

"This is boring... Stay away from us and we won't have any problems."

I left headed back home, get back through the window. Stand in the doorway, "right where I left you."

Sit beside her, brush a strand of hair out of her face. "You are the most boring human I've met. But I don't want to leave..."

Change back crawl under her arm. "Tsubaki..."

Stupid human...

- Time Skip Morning -

Beep Beep

Morning ready? Felt like I didn't sleep at all. Felt the bed shift, the beeping stopped. "Tsubaki?"

Turn my head look at her. "Feeling better?"

I look away, "how about you stay home? I'll bring back something for you?"

I don't really want to go, but what if Big Brother and Mahiru go in again. Tell her everything. As I go to stand up, (Y/N) pulls me in.

"I can stay for a bit longer." Turn over and nuzzle into her neck.


- (Y/N) -

All morning Tsubaki followed me around, guess yesterday scared him. "I'm gonna get going, you coming or staying home?"

He walks over to the door, "let's go."

Pick him up, he nestled into my arn, "today's a half-day. So we'll get your favourite for lunch."

His tails sway, "love you Tsubaki."

- Tsubaki -

'Love you Tsubaki'

She said, love you... Does she love me? No, she loves me as a fox.

"Hey, Tsubaki. I finish putting everything away."

I didn't bother to look at her. She starts patting me, "give me a little smile. I don't like seeing you so sad."

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now