A Year Later 🗓

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A year past you didn't have any trouble with C3. It was quiet, Mahiru said he hadn't seen anything of C3. Sakuya ended up moving back to Tokyo with Mahiru. Under the condition that he check in with you weekly. You were still worried that C3 would do something. You being a few hours away, you were afraid you wouldn't get there in time. He did as you ask, send you a text a few days a week, called you at the end of the week.

Shamrock also yet back, to handle meetings and other paperwork for Tsubaki. You and Tsubaki only went back for meetings, anything that needed him to be there. Otherwise, you made him work at home. If you hadn't made him, he would have sat around nothing all day.

Higan spent most of his time out painting. He only came back when it was dark. For Otogiri and Berkia. Berkia followed Otogiri around, she spent the days in the garden or staying by the mansion.

At the moment you were walking through the woods, with Tsubaki in your arms. He got tired, didn't want to walk anymore.

"You know since we moved out here, you've gotten lazier. If that even purpose."

"You expect me to hike through these woods? I'm a vampire, not a fox."

"Anyone would think you were the sin of sloth."

He quickly changes, takes your hand. You giggled as he took the lead. You reach the top of the cliff overlooking your home and the river below.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it."

"Don't you get bored being out here?" Tsubaki looks down at you.

"No, I love it out here. Don't you?" You look up at him.

"It's not interesting at all out here."

"Haha, you are such a city slicker." He growls at you, you laugh at him. "If you want we can move back to Tokyo. I spoke to Shammy earlier this week, he said he hasn't seen any C3."

"It'll be interesting then..."

"Haha, okay we'll head back Monday. How's that? We'll see if Otogiri and Berkia want to come. I doubt Higan will come."

"You do know that Higan been leaving the woods."

"What? Why?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Whatever, as long as he's not losing anything. I guess we better start heading back." You turn around to head back, Tsubaki grabs your wrist. "What's up?"

He pulls you into him, you look into his red eyes. A smirk plays on his lips, you giggle. He lets you go, you run off into the woods. Tsubaki watched you run off into the woods. Waiting for you to get a little further before he chased after you. He waited till he couldn't see you and ran in.

You ran through the woods, weaving between trees, jumping over logs. The whole time you were giggling, you couldn't contain your excitement. You honestly couldn't remember how your little chase started. All you knew when he gave you that look, you had to run. In the end, it didn't matter, he always caught you. Whether you knew he was there or not. A pair of arms wrap around you, as you were running he would grab you pull you in. If he was feeling feisty... He would follow you, wait for you think you were safe. Out of nowhere he would grab, bite your neck.

Today, he was feisty. He was already on your tail, you weren't to far ahead. You came to a dead-end, you were looking for a way to get out. Tsubaki jumps down behind you, you turn around. Watch him, as he walks up to you. You back up into a tree, still giggling.

"You're not very good, at hiding." He towers over you.

"Hehe, maybe I wasn't trying to hide."

"Why wouldn't you hide? I was chasing you." His eyes darken, it only made you giddy.

"Maybe I like being caught ~"

He starts laughing, you bit your lip. He stops looks you dead in the eyes. "You're mine ~"

You tilt your head to the side, he bites into your neck.

"Ahhh Tsubaki ~"

He pins you to the tree, his hand already under your top.

"You know my Little Vixen," he places his finger under your chin. "You are probably the only interesting person in my life."

"Probably? Even been together for a year. You say probably?" You turn around pout.

He turns you back to look at him, "say my name ~"

"No, I'm going home." You duck under his arm, head in the direction of home.

He followed after you, "my Little Vixen say my name."

"No, I don't wanna."

He changes runs in front of you sits. "Look at me, aren't I so cute?"

You walk around him, "probably..."

He chases after you, "it works for neko-chan..."

You were biting your lips, trying not to laugh. You keep walking home, each time he got in front of you. You look the other way walked around him. He jumps in front of you, this time you kneel to him.

"You want me to say your name? ~" He nods, you pat him. "You'll have to..." You ran off, "catch me ~"

He quickly changes takes off after you. This time, you only got a few metres before he scoops you up. He jumps into the air, with you in his arms. "My name."

You kiss him, "Tsubaki ~ My Tsubaki ~"

He lands on the roof, "I you're guess interesting."

"You guess?" You raise an eyebrow.

He smirks are you, "you're interesting in bed."

"TSUBAKI!" You hit his chest, pout. "You're dirty!"

"You're the one that is. I meant when you're sleeping. Those cute little snores."

"Well, at least I don't whelp and chip in my sleep."

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do!

"Are you two going to argue on the roof all night? Or are you coming in for dinner?" Higan calls out to you two.

"We'll be there in a second." You call back, he goes back inside. "Are we going down?"

"I suppose..." He jumps off the roof, places you down. "I can't wait to get out of this boring place."

"It's only for a couple more days. I'm sure you'll survive." You take his hand and walk-in.

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now