Who Are You? 🧛🏼‍♀️

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I fucked up... I stole a card... And there's no card swipe in here... FUCK ME!



Fuck me dead! I flop on the floor. What am I going to do? I'm starving, they haven't brought me anything to eat or drink. I'm so tired... Don't tell me they're drugging me again...


"Uhhh... This shit getting old..." I hear the door open.

"Did you think stealing a card would get you out?"

"Fuck off nob jockey..." I sit up and rub my head. "Surely it's been over 15 hours by now. Why haven't I changed or died yet?"

"You were only out for an hour."

"Sure sure fuck face," fuck my eyes are sore.

"It's only a matter of time, till you change."

"Just shut your fucking mouth. All you do is spit shit. 'You're going to die in a matter of hours.' Blah blah blah. Get on with whatever you're doing or let me go to see Tsubaki!"

"First hand me my card back."

I flick it at him, nicking his cheek as it flies past and lands on the door. And yet again soldiers coming running to his defence.

"How scary, please don't kill me..." I throw my hands in the air as they circle me.

"Leave her, she'll die soon." Knob head walks out, his little soldiers follow.

"I'll die from starvation!" The door closes, I lay back. "And from thirst!" I hear the door unlock, open and close. "Come to tell me that I'll be dead in an hour, knob jockey?"

"If you're going to talk to me like that. I won't give you a sandwich and water."

I sit up, see a purple-haired, red-eyed girl. She must be another Servamp. "Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?"

Why does she look so angry? Maybe I shouldn't be rude to her... "No, I don't. Am I supposed to?"

"Uhh... I'm The Mother, the Sin of Warth Tsubaki older sister."

I stand up, "I would say it's nice to meet you. But I'm locked up at the moment."

"At the moment?" She eyes me off.

"I would like to leave with Tsubaki and my family."

"That's not going to happen."

"Tell me exactly why we're here? Or is that classified?"

"You've been brought in to study your emotional bond with Tsubaki."

"What?" I didn't think she would tell me. "You're serious?"

"Why would I lie?"

"You work for these people?"

"I'll tell you now. Since Tsubaki been with you, he hasn't caused any trouble. Neither has his Subclass, whatever you've been doing works."

"Uhh, I've been doing nothing? Other than being my boring self?"

"Here," she holds out the sandwich and bottle. "Take it."

I reach and take them, "thank you, Mother?"

Say My Name - Who Is Coming?/Tsubaki x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now