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"WAIT! You mean to tell me that you! You chased a Seagal thinking it would lead you to the beach! That's the dumbest thing I heard!", Reki laughed like a hyena as (Y/n) told him how their day went.

"I was desperate okay! That's how I used to know I was close to a beach in L.A!", an embarrassed (y/n) said.

"L.A! as in HOLLYWOOD!", Reki said with stars in his eyes for some of his favorite things are from there.

"Yes as in Hollywood and before you ask no I don't know anyone famous and yes It very um pretty", (Y/n) hesitated to say since thought about the trash littering the streets and the tagging.

"I wasn't going to ask that!", an embarrassed Reki said since (y/n) was able to guess what he was about to ask, "Are there any cool places to skate!"

"So you're a skater boy! A see you later boy!", (Y/n) laughed a bit at their reference to that one song SK8ER Boy but stopped once they realized Reki didn't understand the reference," Just a song I remembered, don't worry about it. To answer your question there are many! many Places to skate! Under bridges, under a tunnel, next to a river, in many parks, and on roads!".

"WOW!! THAT'S SO COOL!!", exclaimed Reki as he threw his hands up, "I want to go to L.A one day!".

"I'll even show you around when you do!", (y/n) said in a jokingly manner.

"I'll hold you to that!", Reki happily said as he ran inside a gate, "This is my home!"

"WOW!! It's so beautiful and big!", (Y/n) said before thinking, 'that's what she said'

"Come on in!", Reki said as (y/n) followed him inside, "I'm home!"

"Pardon the intrusion", (Y/n) said as they copied Reki's actions and took off their shoes before walking inside. They followed closely behind him as he led them to the kitchen.

"you're back early Reki!", a beautiful woman said as turned to face her son and noticed ahead of dark brown hair hiding behind him, "Who's your new friend dear?".

"This is (y/n)! we meet in the park! My skateboard crashed into them which caused them to fall! It turns out they recently moved here from America!", Reki said proudly to his mom before stepping aside for her to see (y/n) better, "come one introduce yourself!".

"um, it's nice to meet you Okaasan!", (y/n) yelled as they bowed which made Reki laugh his head off.

"I don't recall having another sibling!", Reki said through his laughter.

"sibling?", (y/n) said with a confused face before realizing that they had just called Reki's Mom their mom, "I'm so sorry! Japanese isn't my first language! Well it isn't also my 2nd language! It's more like my third language! I'm sorry!".

This reaction made Reki laugh even more and caused Reki's mom to giggle a bit.

"It's okay dear, you can call me Okaasan if it makes it easier for you", Ms. Kyan said which made (Y/n) view her as a goddess.

"Neat! I have a new sibling! Okay, who's older! I'm 16 of august 8! It looks like I'm the tallest!",Reki said as (Y/n) was up to his shoulders, "which means you are younger!".

"I'm 17 of April 27th and I'm not that short! I'm still growing!", (Y/n) said which shocked the kyans for the age didn't match the height.

"no way this shrimp is older than me!", Reki whined a bit before happily saying, "I guess I have a new older sibling! Isn't that right a oniichan!".

"Onniichan? (older brother)", (y/n) questioned which made reki stunned.

"oneesan?(Older sister)", Reki said which made (y/n) give them a confused look.

(y/n) not understanding what reki was confused about pointed at themselves before saying, "Aniki! (superior)"

"ehhhh! Aniki!", Reki exclaimed as he was surprised by this development. Then the door opened to reveal reki's younger sisters who wanted to know what all the commotion was about.

(y/n) saw them before pointing at them and saying, "imouto-chan", and then proceeded to point at reki before saying, "Ototo-chan".

They all let out an ,"EHHHHHH!!" as (Y/n) just looked confused which made Ms. Kyan laugh a bit.

"What's with all the yelling!", A little grannie yelled as she scolded the kids.

"Utsukushī josei", (Y/n) said as they pointed at the little grannie.

"oh may! I haven't heard that in a while! Well aren't you a charming kid", Grannie said as she blushed lightly.

"(Y/n)! I don't think you know what you are saying!", Reki said which caused him to be pinched by the grannie

"Of course I do! I'm the superior and that's a cute granny! Yo Entiendo lo que Estoy Diciendo! Tu mama es una Diosa! Like an all-powerful goddess!", (Y/n) said in a mix of English and Spanish having forgotten that reki's family only understands Japanese.

"Aniki! Japanese!", Reki said as no one understood what (y/n) had just said.

"oh! sorry! It happens sometimes since I always use a mix of English and Spanish when talking back in America", (y/n) said as they nervously rubbed their neck, "I'm still not used to the slang and customs here just yet so please have patience with me".

"It's all right (y/n) you only recently got here so it's normal needing time to adjust to a new environment. Would you like to join us for dinner?", Ms.Kyan asked which made (y/n) confused.

"Dinner? Isn't it barely 4 in the afternoon?", (y/n) asked which made reki point at the clock which read 7 pm, "Can I borrow your phone please, I need to call someone".

"What's wrong?", Reki said with a worried voice since (Y/n) was shaking.

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