[𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤]

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"Reki! What do you want to do today!", A happy (Y/n) exclaimed as they barged into Reki's room.

"(y/n)! how did you get inside!", exclaimed an embarrassed Reki who was shirtless.

"Your mom let me in! come on now! Hurry up!", (Y/n) yelled as they closed the bedroom door, "I'll be waiting for you outside!".

Reki hurried to get dressed and to eat his breakfast before heading out with his skateboard in hand.

"Geez It took you long enough!", commented (Y/n) which made Reki let out a," Hey!".

"Say's the one who has the same clothes from yesterday!", Reki remarked which caused (Y/n) to pout as they said, "For your information, I only packed black jeans and this is my favorite blue windbreaker!".

"Make sense! I always wear this headband cause I look cool in it!", said a smug Reki which caused (Y/n) to sweatdrop.

"Whatever you say ototo-Chan!", (Y/n) said as they ran towards the park, "The last one there has to invite the other to ice cream!".

"You're on! Free ice cream here I come! No way will I lose when I have the upper hand!", Reki exclaimed as he rode his board to catch up to a running (y/n).

"Never say never Ototo-chan!", (Y/n) yelled as they laughed.

Reki was so close to winning but a stray stick made him fall which caused (Y/N) to win.

"HAH! I won!!", (Y/n) said as they threw their hands up the air to celebrate their victory.

"I would have won if it weren't for the stick causing me to whip-out!", Reki complained which caused (Y/n) to stick out their tongue at him as they said A bet is a bet. Which made him tsk,"Fine, What type of ice cream do you want?".

"Mmm, instead of ice cream I want you to show me some of your tricks!", (Y/n) said as they gave reki a closed eye smile.

"Are you sure?" said a puzzled Reki for non-one has ever shown an interest in watching him skate, "I'm not the best at it".

"Yup! Reki makes skateboarding look so cool!! It makes me almost want to try it but then I remember that I have zero center of balance", (Y/n) happy exclaimed which caused Reki to lightly blush at the compliments he was getting.

"okay geez, I'll show you my skating if you stop complimenting me", a red-faced reki muttered as he started doing some tricks.

"Ototo-Chan is so awesome! There's no way I can stop complimenting you!", (Y/n) yelled which caused them both to laugh.

'geez my aniki is so embarrassing', Thought reki as (Y/n) would yell praises to him that the whole world would hear.

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