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Reki took the elevator up to the floor shadow was staying at but quickly went back inside it once he spotted Langa there.

"Why are you here?", Reki said to himself as he sat on the elevator's floor as it went down, "I didn't wanna see you right now".


Reki looked up to see who had called his name and saw it was," Miya?"

"Why aren't you showing up?", Exclaimed an irritated Miya for reki wasn't there to see his beef.

"I wasn't chosen", Reki poorly explained.

This made Miya mad for he yelled, "REKI, YOU'RE A LIAR!"

"I'm not lying", stated reki.

Miya tried his best to hold back his tears as he said, "You said you wouldn't be going away", which made reki recall his promise he had made to him, "For now, I'll forgive you for lying to me. So, come with me".

"Sorry, but I no longer....", reki said as he got up and grabbed his board before pushing past Miya before running off.

"WAIT!", yelled Miya but it was too late, Reki had already left the hospital, "YOU LYING LITTLE SLIME!".

Reki kept running and running, for he feared that one of his friends would catch up with him. Not bothering to check if any cars were passing by, Reki ran across the street. The last thing he saw was a car heading straight towards him before passing out.

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