[ 𝟚 ]

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'This was only a few months ago', Reki thought as he laid in bed watching videos, he took to document Langa's progress on his phone, 'I was the one teaching him. Since when is there such a huge gap between us? I've been doing this for so long, too. Do I lack effort? Or is it talent?'.

"Hey Langa, How can you jump so high?",Reki sadly muttered as he was in his feels but that was interrupted when he heard a knock on his window. He looked up and saw that it was, "(y/n)?"

Reki got up and reluctantly let (Y/n) in, "what are you doing here (Y/n)", he asked.

"I had a feeling that I should be here if that makes sense", answered (Y/n) for they themselves didn't know why, they looked at Reki and noticed that he had been crying. They proceeded to hug him as they said," Ototo-chan, it's okay. You are a very amazing person and a super awesome skater! Don't listen to the voices that make you self-doubt yourself".

Reki proceeded to Hug back tightly as if (Y/N) would slip through him, "That you Aniki, I really needed that".

"anything for my cute Ototo-chan", stated (Y/n) as they patted Reki on his back to calm him down a bit.

They both fell asleep on Reki's bed, Reki still kept hugging (Y/n) for he liked the comforting feeling they gave off. (Y/n) felt like they were in heaven for the bed was so soft and warm.

"What are you looking at?", Questioned Reki as he saw Langa smiling at his phone and was curious what it was.

"Huh? Oh", Langa said as he had realized that Reki wasn't at S yesterday, "Adam showed up yesterday, and-"

"I don't wanna hear it", Stated Reki as he didn't let Langa continue his sentence, "You know how much I hate him, right?"

"Yeah", said a deflated Langa which just made (Y/n) sigh as they Rubbed their temples for it was obvious, He didn't quite understand completely why Reki hated Adam.

"Look Langa, Reki has a point about hating adam. I also hate his guts for he endangered Reki's life and put him in a hospital", Exclaimed (Y/n) which made Reki nod his head in agreement, "Not only is he reckless, He is also pedophilic. He keeps on hitting on you who is obviously a minor and he doesn't care! He even kept touching you weirdly without your consent! And even if he had your consent, he shouldn't be doing that for you're a child!"

"exactly (Y/n). oh Langa, can you do that thing again?", Reki asked as he changed the subject.

"So cool!", Exclaimed (Y/) as they saw Langa skate up the wall, "That also seems very dangerous".

"Is this good", Langa questioned as he looked at Reki who nodded at him.

"I ... If you jump ten times how many times can you reach ...", Reki said before realizing how sillily it sounded, "Sorry! It's nothing!"

Langa didn't notice the forced smile Reki had but (Y/n) did and they didn't like it.

"DAMMIT!", Reki yelled in frustration as he tried to do Langa's trick from this morning.

"I had a feeling you would be here"

"L-Lang!", Reki said in a frightened voice as he looked behind and realized that it was only (Y/n), "Oh it's only you (Y/n), thank god".

"What's that supposed to mean", (Y/n) said as a tick mark appeared on their head.

"N-Nothing! I just don't want Langa to see me like this", explained Reki as he marked another X on the ground with a stick.

"Mmm, how long have you been going at it", asked a concerned (Y/n) for they saw a lot of 𝙓 next to the one Reki had just drawn.

"who knows", Reki said as he made a sad expression, "no matter how hard I try I can't seem to do it high enough".

"it's okay, we'll figure it out together", (Y/n) said as they offered their hand to Reki who accepted it and said, "Together"

Reki kept falling and falling. Each time he tried to do the trick he would fall harder and quicker off his board.

"Stop thinking about what other people have told you!", (Y/n) yelled for no matter if they didn't like to see reki getting injured, they knew they couldn't stop him. This was something Reki had to do and all they could do was show their support to him, "You can do it Ototo-chan!"

This went on for a few more hours before Reki laid down due to exhaustion. This broke reki, he felt like he couldn't reach Langa and the others. He felt left behind and untalented.

"It's unreachable", reki muttered as he raised his arm up to the sky, " ...For me".

"Come one reki, it's time to go home", a sad (Y/n) said as it was starting to rain.

"okay (Y/n)", reki said in a monotone voice as he got up and grabbed his stuff.

'Since when did you stop calling me Aniki?', thought (Y/n) as they walked quietly next to reki.

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