˜"*°•.• [The Final Skate] •.•°*"˜

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"Big Brother, you're an idiot", Stated reki's sister as she watched him eat with a dazed outlook.

"Yeah. Thank You", Reki responded with a monotone voice as he ate his breakfast, this surprised his family for it was a first.

"I'll be going now", Reki informed his family before tripping over his skateboard that was leaning against the wall. He looked at it for a bit before walking off but changed his mind hallway and proceeded to go back to grab it.

Not being in the mood to deal with Langa or School, Reki decided it was best if he skipped. Walking where his feet would lead him.

"Why the hell did I bring this here?", questioned reki as he found himself in a shady shopping district, "If I say so myself, I'm acting like I'm not really over this".

"That's such a lame board!"

"What is that thing?"

"That's so tasteless, dude!"

"lemme see that!", a grown man said as he walked up to reki with a deer bottle in hand and tried to reach for reki's board.

"Don't touch it!", said an upset reki as he held his board closely to his chest.

"Well if it ain't reki ... This guy dropped out of our team three days after joining. This dude acted so crazy! He would talk to himself and believed he had an "invisible" friend", one of the other guys in the ally way stated, "What's up with that?"

"So, you're still skating, huh? I bet you also "talk" with that invisible freak of nature", the guy that had approached reki said as he laughed, "You wanna join our team again?"

"I don't wanna join that rotten team", Reki sternly stated, "(Y/n) isn't invisible nor a freak of nature".

"What was that?", one of the guys said with a pissed-off expression.

"nobody on your team loves to skate! You're doing it just for fashion!"Explained reki which caused the group of guys to be railed up.

"Wait, is he picking a fight with us?", one of them asked as the other responded with a, "looks like it" before punching reki in the face.

The three of them proceeded to beat up reki before leaving him in an alleyway filled with trash.

'I deserved that, though reki for he felt like this is a type of way his punishment, to what he had said to (Y/n).

"Reki! Hey, are you all right?", said a concerned Manager oka as he ran up to reki.

"Manager Oka?", Reki said as he turned his face towards him, he still felt numb.

"Come on now, did you get in a fight or something?", questioned Manager Oka

"I'm kinda weird right now. They really got me but I kinda feel good", Reki said as he looked up, this made Manager oka sigh.

"You know, that's because you hate yourself right now", explained manager Oka which made Reki surprised, "You hate yourself so much that you want to punch yourself, right?".

"How can I not hate myself, I told and called (Y/n) horrible things", Reki said as he tried to hold back his tears, "Just because I was so frustrated at myself! Frustrated how I'm not good enough".

"You know, reki. Langa is different from the two of us. You can say the same for cherry and Joe, too", Manager Oka said as he softly smiled, "they're completely different kinds of people than us".

"Are you saying we're not a good match?", questioned reki as he balled up his fist.

"They're different. After I realized that, I stopped agonizing", Manger oka said as he spoke from his own experience, "I stopped comparing myself to them".

"Isn't that sad, though?"Reki exclaimed as he disagreed with what the manager oka had said, "to give up from the beginning and comfort yourself...".

"S" isn't everything about skateboarding", explained Manger oka , "Don't we have our own way of skateboarding?"

"I ... don't want that", complained a sad reki.

Manger oka informed him, "It's not a bad thing to take care of yourself. It's too late if you get reckless and get seriously injured. I mean, even Shadow ....".

After Manager Oka informed reki that shadow was jumped and taken to the hospital, reki ran with all his might to the hospital shadow was staying at.

"Oi reki! Friends forgive each other no matter what! So explain to (Y/n) why you said all that to them! and hopefully, they might forgive you!", Yelled manager Oka as he watched Reki runoff.

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