[𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕜𝕚 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕗𝕥-𝔹𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕]

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"Mmm, it would seem reki forgot to meet up where we usually do", said a disheartened (Y/N) since they were really looking forward to going to the arcade place reki promised to take them to, "oh well. Nothing much I could do about it".

"Leave it to a guy who came back from America! (Y/n) is also from America!"

'is that ototo-chan?', (Y/n) questioned as they headed to where they heard the yelling coming from, and to no surprise it was reki, 'it seems that reki is pretty boy's skating teacher. This would be fun.

'You mean Canada", Langa corrected him

"Yo ototo-chan! Is pretty boy your new skating student!", (y/n) said as they made their way over to them.

"That so? Well, details don't really matter!", Reki said as he patted langa's back, "lemme see how you skate!".

It almost would seem that reki didn't hear (Y/n) at all for he wasn't answering them. (Y/n) shrugged it off as nothing and started on a step to see what they were doing.

Welp that soon would be the last time (Y/n) decided to sit idly by when they are with Langa and reki for it seemed that they shared one brain cell when together. Langa thought it would be a good idea to duct tape his feet to the skateboard and have Reki push him down a hill... to one going traffic. Luckily Langa wasn't killed by truck-kun which made them all sigh in relief.

"you know what, this stunt of yours made me so worried to the point I'm tired. So if would excuse me I –", (Y/n) fell asleep on the steps before they could finish their sentence.

When they woke up it was already dusk, and they were left alone once again.

"Jeez, I need to stop falling asleep because it seems that every time when I do I get left behind", (Y/n) muttered as they stretched a bit before walking away, "I'll meet up with Reki tomorrow where I usually do".

Tomorrow came and it was the same and so were the days after that. (Y/n) would wait for reki at the place they would always meet but reki wouldn't come and would then find them skating in some odd place. (Y/n) would try to say something to reki but would be ignored so they would just sit and watch them do their things. It always resulted in (Y/n) sleeping and waking up to find that they were left alone as per usual.

Today was no different, it was dawn when (Y/n) woke up once again all alone. They decided that the journey home wasn't worth the effort, so they stayed on the bench and went back to sleep. No matter how much they slept, they always felt tired and drained of energy.

"Over here!", Reki said as he led Langa into his room, "Just sit around somewhere. Um, I think I left here somewhere". Lanag looked around and noticed the many skateboard related items in reki's room

"what's that?", Langa asked as he pointed to a blue box on the floor that had small tools and screws spilling out.

"Oh, that's the tool kit I got on my birthday mmmm... I think it was (Y/n) that gave it to me. Speaking of (Y/n) I don't think I've seen them lately or maybe I have and ...forgot to them", Reki said the last part softly for he felt a wave of guilt wash over him but it quickly went away when his sisters and mom barged in.

"the sky sure is beautiful tonight. You don't see this many stars back in L.A", (y/n) said as they looked up and enjoyed the view before quietly saying, "I wonder if ototo-chan forgot about me".

The days went by as per usual though the only difference was that (Y/n) had stopped chasing after them like their showdown. Instead (Y/n) had decided to just wait for Reki outside of his home because they thought they would have a better chance of talking with him. Reki would always walk past them and not notice them. Having nothing better to do they closed their eyes once more before falling asleep, hoping that tomorrow would be different.

It was morning when (Y/n) woke up, they watched as Reki ran in their direction as he waved.

'ototo-chan didn't forget about me!', (y/n) thought as they were filled with happiness and started waving back as they said, "Reki! I missed you!" only for that happy feeling to be crushed as he ran past them. (Y/n) turned around and saw Langa was behind him, Reki had only noticed langa.

"he, he didn't see me", (Y/n) said as they fell to their knees because their heart just felt so hurt and heavy to stand. Tears started falling out of their eyes as they silently cried into their hands, "Ototo-chan forgot about me, even though I told him not to".

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