Stuck on an Island with One Direction

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Hey I'm just writing this story because I'm really bored and its just for fun so I hope people don't hate it! This is also the first thing that I've written so its probably going to have some mistakes. I hope that you like it! 

"Rose are you done packing yet!" My sister Jane practically screams up the stairs. I swear, she can be so freaking loud some times.

"I'll be done when I get done!" I scream right back at her.

"Well hurry your ass up!" This time shes even louder than before.  Honestly one of the things that I don't like about my sister is that her voice can get as loud as a blow horn. Oh don't get me wrong, me and my sister are super close with each other. We share the same room, we mostly agree on the same stuff, and I can not even count how many times that we have spent our weekends together laughing and having fun. But now my mind has drifted to the thought of how many friends I don't have and how I've spent pretty much every weekend off of school stuck at my house, by myself, with out going out anywhere. Gosh, how do I keep doing that! I really try hard to get my focus off the fact that I'm super unpopular. But like always, the thought slowly drifts into my mind some way or another.

By now I have completely forgotten about the task that I was supposed to be doing. I look down at the huge suit case that lies open on the floor of my room. I sigh because I really do not feel like packing it right now. But I probably feel like that because I just do not want to go on this cruise, at all. I know I probably sound like the craziest person on the planet but I can explain why this is going to be a horrible trip for me.

May was when my parents told me that for the summer we were going to take a cruise. As expected Jane went crazy thanking my mom and dad like there was no tomorrow, and that same day she texted all of her friends and made them very jealous with the news. But all that reminded me of was how I didn't have any friends to make jealous. 

Jane is the opposite of me, she makes a new friend every week and I get really jealous of her about that. She has a big group of friends and she is very popular. But anyways I was talking about the cruise. When I was told my heart sank, but instead of showing it I just put on a big smile and gave my parents a hug. I didn't want them to see the disappointment on my face because I know it will make them feel bad.

First off I am very self-conscious and insecure. I'm self conscious on how I look, how I talk, how I think, and on how I am. So, when I heard the word cruise I thought of water, when I thought of water I thought of bathing suites, and I do not want any body looking at me while I'm in a bathing suite. I practically almost died when I found out that I had swimming as my physical education class. I mean I'm really not that fat but I am far from being a super model. However I refused to let my grade suffer from me being self-conscious. But again it just so happens that my grades are yet another thing that I'm self conscious about. I mean what guy wants a girl that has never been tarty, has never skipped school unless I seriously needed too, and  has never gotten anything less than a A- on a report card! Its hot I know -sarcasm noted.

Well the bathing suit was just one reason I didn't want to go. The second reason that I will probably hate this vacation is my parents. Now I love both of my parents but just like my sister they can seriously drive me up a wall and then manage to keep me there for several hours. Plus my dad is not the buffest guy and I do not like the image that comes to my mind when I think of him in a bathing suit.

I only have a week of school left now and I'm pretty relieved. I don't think I could have taken much longer of walking into school every day and sitting down next to my one friend that I'm really not that close with, and chatting a little bit about what we did yesterday, and how much work that the teachers throw at us, and lately summer. I mean shes really nice but shes pretty much my only friend and she not even in half of my classes.

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