Chapter 7

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The water was freezing! When he through me over it wasn't really that far of a drop because the boat had sunk so fast. When I came down I had landed on my back so the life vest took most of the impact but my legs hit the water full on. It kind of felt like doing a belly flop except for your legs. 

It was super dark out because it was only like 3 in the morning. When I went under the water and opened my eyes, all I could see was darkness around me. I was taken back up to the surface of the water because of my life jacket. I looked at the boat that was about 20 feet away from me, and it was almost compleatly under. I looked up to the deck and I could still see the outline of people on there. I saw some people jumping off over the edge. 

I felt so sad for the people that wont make it back to there familys or even make it back to land. Then I realised that I probably will be one of those people. No. I'm going to make it. I'm going to swim. I have to find land. I have to find out if my family made it or not. I turned away from the boat. I started to swim away from it. And I never looked back.

I had swam until I couldn't see the boat any more but I felt like I was getting nowhere. I was super tired and super cold. I only had on the T-shirt and vest form last night. My adrenalin was starting to die down and I was getting really tired. I was fighting with my eyes to keep them open but I just couldn't win. My eyes shut and I completely blacked out.


"NIALL! NIALL GET UP!" Is it morning already? Why is it so dark in my room? Why does Louis always have to shout?

"What do you want?"

"Niall you have to get up now!"


"This man came in and hes said that the boat hit a rock and now we have to get on our live vests." That woke me up.

"Wait! so there's a hole in the boat !?"

"The guy just said there was a small hole, but yeah."

I jumped up. I through some cloths on. And I ran out of my room with Louis following. I ran over to Zayns room and went in. 

"ZAYN GET UP NOW THE BOAT IS GOING DOWN!" I knew that that was the only way he would get up. Zayn rolled over and looked at me. He looked super sleepy but he knew that I wouldn't joke when it come to water.


"Zayn the boat has a hole in it and we need to go and put on our life vests." Zayn looked super scared.

"Are-are you serious?"

"Zayn, I would not joke with you about this." Zayn got up faster than I had ever seen him get up.

"Hey Lou, go around to Harry and Liam to see if there up."

"Well I know that Liam is up because he told me to get you up. He said that he would wake Harry, then we would all wake Zayn." Liam always has a plan I don't know where we would be with out him.

Zayn was ready now so we all went into Harry's room. We found Harry and Liam and they were both ready to go. We walked down our hallway to the elevator. Instead of going to the deck we went to the employees floor to get our vest. I know it looks like were getting special treatment but really we just don't want to start a riot on the deck.

We had just finished getting on out life vests when an employee walked over to us.

"Sirs," He said. "The boat is going down and there is no possible way for repairs, so you must get on a life boat now." Zayn almost fell over.

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