Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to LolaHoran31

Authors Note

So this dedication is for LolaHoran31 because Julie liked her comment and so she just wanted me to dedicate it to her... But thanks to all of the other people who have been reading this too!

Chapter 25:


I hadn’t had a good night the night before, so when I was woken up by phone going off I was not in the happiest mood.

For some crazy reason my phone was up on full volume, so my One Direction ringtone was blaring around my room. Yes, it’s a One Direction ringtone, some people don’t like them but I happen to think that they are the absolute best boy band since the beetles. And if someone starts to talk about them badly for no reason, *cough, cough, direction haters*, then I would have A LOT of not-so-nice words to say to them.

I untwist myself from my tangle of covers and check the clock.

It’s only 1:30 so it’s not that bad. I have never been able to sleep good with all of the things happening in my life, but ever since Rose and Jane left me it’s been ten times worse. Both of them were always there for me when I was down but now, now it feels like there’s no one there for me at all.

I pick up my phone and try to wipe the sleepiness out of my voice when I say my always too high pitched ‘hello’. Rose and Jane always used to make fun of me because whenever I talked to people I don’t know very well my voice goes like ten octaves higher.

“Raven?! It’s Rose!” The voice on the other end squealed with excitement.

I froze. I literally froze right in my spot, on the edge of my bed with my covers half on and half off in my pajamas.

That can’t be Rose? How on earth could that be Rose?! Maybe…

No. That’s not Rose. How many family members do I have to witness die right before my eyes before I get that through my head.


I was all alone. It was Saturday night of course. Normally I would have been Skypeing Rose or talking to Jane. I swear I was closer to them than I was with my own friends. But Rose and Jane were off with their family on a cruise somewhere with One Direction. I thought they were so lucky to still be going on vacation even though they’re both almost 20! Well I mean Jane was 18 and Rose was 17 but still that’s pretty old! I haven’t gone on a vacation with my family since, since the day he left.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts because I didn’t need to be thinking about that right now anyway.

I looked aimlessly around the room, only able to see from the glow of the T.V. that I was seated in front of. Some people would get scared or paranoid about not being able to see much but I really don’t mind. I have been in this position many times before and I didn’t mind being alone.

I focused my attention back on to the show that I had been watching. It was a rerun of SpongeBob. I didn’t care if it was childish I liked the show.

Right when I was in the middle of it the screen flicked from the yellow sponge to a big red breaking news sign.

I sat up in my seat on the couch and wondered what was going on.

The screen flicked again from the breaking news sign to an official looking news lady behind a desk.

“Hello,” the news lady said sounding kind of flustered. “We are sorry to interrupt your program for this breaking new,” she began. “The caravel cruise liner known as The Majesty has just had a terrible collision.”

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