Chapter 9

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So when we were looking for people, Louis just had to bring up the subject of Harry getting the crap bet outta him, by a girl. I had to agree that it was rather funny because I did not expect her to have that in her. I mean, when she first jumped up on him, I was shocked. Like one second she was knocked out on the sand and the next second she had him pinned! I looked over at the other lads when she did that, and they looked just as shocked as me. 

I was wondering if we should have helped him... I probably should have but I just didn't want to hurt her or scare her more. Harry looked absolutely mortified. Now that I think about the face he was making, it is actually really funny!

I didn't want to get involved with her but I had to stop her from punching him, a second time. I remembered how she shivered and that was it for me. A had given her a tight hug  because she just looked so frightened. But then she saw my face and shoved away from my grasp. Oh yeah, she thought I was 'Taylor'. But then she must have thought of One Direction. Well I guess that's out in the open now. 

I wanted to be her partner, but of cource Harry got to her first. I was actually pretty pissed at him. It wasn't enough for him to try and kiss her, but now he wanted to be alone with her to flirt with her? I mean normally I wouldn't mined when her flirted with all of the girls he met, but Rose seems so nice and now she doesn't even no if her family is fine! And yes maybe I am just a little bit jealous! So many girls fall for Harry and now he will probably get Rose under his spell.

Well it doesnt matter because were just friends and she will probably never want to be anything more than that with me.


Oh my gosh that was Roses voice! She sounded in distress! Oh my goodness maybes shes hurt! I swear that if Harry did anything to her he is seriously going to get it!

I didn't even wait for Louis. I just booked it in the direction of her voice.  Who knows what Harry would do to get a girl.



As soon as I screamed that, Harry jumped off me. He was still pretty close to me but hes in a better spot then he was before. 

Harry was looking around frantically. He was probably checking if any of the boys were there. When he stopped his eyes landed on me. 

In his eyes I saw a mixture of anger and confusion. We stood there, just staring at each other. If I had to imagine my gaze I would hope that it would be a look of betrayal, disgust, and anger. Those three feelings pretty much sum me up right now.

How could he try to kiss me again! As if the first time wasn't clear enough that I did not wasn't to kiss him! I'm not one of those girls who just kiss random strangers or get kissed by random strangers. If you want too kiss me then get to know me and let me know you. And I know what your saying, you can go on the Internet and look up Harry Styles and find out everything about him without ever meeting him. Well I honestly do not count that. You don't even know if that's his real opinion or just his bosses trying to make him look good. And still its not meeting him face to face and actually seeing his personality and what he acts like.

Harry opened his mouth to speak when Niall burst into the clearing. He looks at me, then at Harry, then how close we are to each other. 

"Whats going on here?" His voice was harsh. I hope that he didn't think anything bad was happening. Even though it was. I didn't want Harry or Niall mad at me.

I didn't say anything and only pointed to my right. About ten feet away there was a little fresh water pond that I found before Harry made a move on me. I was actually going to tell him about it, but then... yeah.

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