Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning face down in my pillow. Wait a sec... this isn't my pillow! And why am I sleeping next to Jane!? Oh yeah, the cruise. Ugg. 

I'm not sure if any one has ever had to sleep next to there sister or brother but for me its all most unbearable. First of all Jane takes like all the covers so I'm all cold and she never stays on her side of the damn bed! She will like face the same way that I'm facing and you're probably thinking that's no big deal right? Well when the day comes that your in a dark room and then you open your eyes and the first thing you see is Jane's big face, it gets pretty scary!

Well I got off the bed, not wanting to spend another second on it with Jane. As soon as I got out from under the covers I was freezing! I only had on some booty shorts and a thin T-shirt. I walked over to a thing that was shooting out cool air. Okay Jane must have done something because I'm positive that it was not to 50 degrees! Know wounder why its so cool. Well lets just see if Jane can take the heat. I turned the little dial on the thing to 90 degrees. I bet she'll have dreams that shes in hell. Ha!

I went over to the suit case that still hadn't unpacked. I grabbed some skinny jeans and a loose T-shirt then walked over to the bath room. I decided to take advantage of the complementary soaps that they put out on the sink counter because I forgot to grab my own shampoo and soap, plus they were in a completely different bag and I just didn't want to go back out. Yeah I'm also pretty lazy. Okay they had some shampoo and conditioner that smelt like oranges, and I guess that will have to do. 

I jumped in the shower and normally my showers  are super long. Its probably because of my long hair, but I still just cant see how some girls can take a shower in like 5 minuets! It amazes me. Well I found out that there was not really enough shampoo and conditioner in the tiny bottles that they gave us, so I really made it stretch. I totally should have just got my own. Darn laziness! 

I finished my shower and changed. Eh I felt clean enough. It was about 10 now so today I decided that I'm really going to explore the boat, and get to know my way around it because I'm gonna be on here for a while so I might as well. I grabbed my purse and was about to walk out when I remembered that my mom said not to do just that. So I wrote her a quick note telling her not to worry and that I was only out exploring. I also when back to our room and found a 1D cd that I had picked out for them to sign. Okay so I didn't really expect to see them but what the hell you never know. 


I was sooooooooo excited! Our management said that we could have a vacation and every one all most passed out! They never let us do things that we want! This is going to be the best vaca ever! As soon as Paul told us the news we went insane! Well except for Zayn, he went inzayn. Zayn is so vein. Ha! That all rhymes!

Any way back to the vacation. Paul had even told us that we could pick what we wanted to do, but it had to be something in the U.S. since were already there.

After much deliberation the boys and I decided on a cruise to Hawaii! Hey we would still be in the U.S. and Paul let it slide! 

But then management heard about it and they were okay with the vacation as long as we told the public and preformed once on board. Well that wasn't that bad so I didn't really mind there rules. 

Well we were all packed and all excited especially Louis. He wouldn't shut up. Just kept going on about he would be the first to ride the big swirly slide. We had to leave like SUPER early too! Its took us like four hours to get there and we had to be there like three hours earlier than the boat was gonna leave because of fans being there. So, for us to leave at like four in morning we had to be up at three and you do not, and I repeat do not want to be the one that has to go into Zayns room and wake him up at four in the morning! It was a group effort but he finally got up when Louis sat on him.

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