Chapter 22

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How keeping watch was supposed to work, was I stay up for one half of the night and then I would get some rest and Liam would stay up until morning. Well, seeing as how Liam fell asleep and how I didn't want to go to sleep, I just pretty much stayed up all night. It actually wasn't as exciting as you would think.

The sun was just starting to come up when the first guy was starting to stir. 

Louis sat up and rubbed hid eyes to get the sand out of them. 

"Good morning." I said as I yawned. It was actually pretty hard for me not to fall asleep last night, I was pretty tired but it wasn't worth waking up the guys if I had another bad dream.

"Mornin to you too love," I blushed. I know that he didn't mean anything by it but it still felt weird to be called 'love' by your friends.

His head turned to look at me when he stopped rubbing his eyes. His eyes floated to the sleeping Liam lying next to me. 

"Did you sleep the first half of the night?" He asked me.

"Well I was supposed to sleep the second half of the night but Liam was out before I could even fall asleep."

"So you stayed up all night long?!" he asked me sounding like it was imposable to do. 

"Yeah, and..."

"Well I mean I was completely exhausted and I would never have the power to stay up that long." 

"Told you I was more alert than you guys." 

"I guess so," he said still blown away. 

"Hey Louis?"

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Well I'm kind of thirsty so I was thinking about looking for some water, and maybe to find some food for breakfast." I've been thirsty for a while now but seeing as how Liam fell asleep, I couldn't go anywhere with out leaving the boys. 

"Yeah sure, that sounds good because you know as soon as Niall gets up he's gonna want some food."

I smiled and got up to shake the sand off of my pants. It felt good to stretch my limbs after sitting in one position on the ground all night. 

I walked across the sand away from the area we were sleeping in, and into the jungle.  

The sun was just coming up, so inside the jungle it was still pretty dark and you had to squint to see. 

I walked around for a while going deeper and deeper into the jungle. 

It felt nice to just be alone and listen to the noises of the jungle in the morning. You could hear bugs chirping and birds squawking after just getting up. I could hear each of my bare foot steps quietly patting on the ground as I took in the scenery. 

I followed the more lush vegetation hopping that it would bring me to some source of water. 

I was listening to the jungles hopping that I would hear the rush of water again so I could follow that.

"No every things fine Mark." 

I stopped dead in my tracks. 

Did-did I just hear what think I heard? 

The voice was faint and off in the distance but I still heard it. 

Was there other people out here? Could they save us?!'

I listened to the voice harder this time and really paying attention. 

"I told you, they don't know what they're doing." 

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