Chapter 10

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My face was still in shock, but then I thought of an idea. I closed my mouth which had been hanging open, but then opened it again and shrieked,


Hey it worked before maybe it will work again.



I was just sitting back on the beach with the boys just thinking about what happened today. So far, we found the island, we found Rose, she beat up Harry, we found water, and then I saw Rose and Harry..... I don't even know what to think about them. When I heard her call, she sounded like she was in distress. And then when I showed up.... Harry was almost on top of her. They were like, less than a foot away from each other. I saw it in her eyes that she was angry, but then she pointed out the water and all of the anger left her face. I swear if Harry does one thing thing to her, then he is seriously gonna get it.


Just like last time I jumped up and ran into the jungle before the boys even got up, wait wheres Harry? I was looking over at the boys. We all walked back together and.... OH MY GOSH HE DID NOT! 

I only ran faster. I jumped back in the clearing just like last time except this time Harry and Rose were about ten feet away from each other and Rose was... naked?


Okay so I realised that calling the guys might not have been such a good idea. And now there all going to run out here and then I will have five pairs of eyes staring at me while I'm almost naked. Its kind of like that bad dream where you were naked in front of a bunch of people. Except for me it was five guys, I'm not fully naked, and its real. 

I hoped that they didn't hear my scream but my hopes were shattered when an angry looking Niall jumped in just like before. Great (as sarcastic as humanly possible). He looked at Harry first, then looked at me for about a second, his cheeks went red and he covered his eyes up with his hands so he wouldn't see me.  Damn it I've made this whole situation super awkward!

"Rose whats going on?" I couldn't tell if he was angry or embarrass or both. I have no idea why hes the one embarrass, if anyone it should be me. And trust me, I was defiantly red in the face, I just want to hid in a hole.

"Well I was just washing up," my voice was shaky."when I finished I went to get my cloths but then I saw that Harry took them and he wouldn't give them back so I called for you." I wasn't going to mention the whole kissing thing. Not yet.

Niall looked shocked and angry. Harry looked, well I'm not sure how Harry looked. I'm not exactly good at reading people. I never have.

Then, just like before Zayn, Liam, and Louis come in to the clearing. 

They all reacted to me in different ways. Louis took one look at me and then just started to stare up at the sky. Liam did the opposite, he looked me up and down and then looked at Harry, he obviously didn't like this. Zayn was smiling and put his hand over his eyes, but I saw him sneak a peak at my breast every so often. Hes a bad boy. Harry however, didn't even try to hide the fact that he was staring at my boobs. This damn push up bra! Why did I even wear it!? Oh yeah the casino, I needed to look older, I almost forgot.  

"Dang Harry, I wish I could work as fast as you!" That little... Harry's smirk got even bigger. I did not reply to Zayn's comment. I just walked right up to him and slapped him in his face. Didn't he have a girl friend!? I didn't slap him that hard, just hard enough to get the point across that I would never do that. Who does he think I am? A slut? Yeah, he probably thinks that now. That ass. 

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