Chapter 17

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Authors Note

Ahhhhhhh! 4000 reads! I love you people so much! This is dedicated umbrella_summer19 because she literally commented on all of my chapters, and shes just awesome! Sorry about the long wait but here it is, so yeah.... <3



I still cant believe it. I don't understand how people could be so cruel to a person just because there unpopular. And I never thought that Rose would happen to be that person. 

I know that shes a little shy and all but I just never would have guessed that she....that she didn't have any friends. Well she said that she always had her sister and this cousin that she keeps talking about. And that now brings me to her sister. 

I'm positive that she's safe and that she got on to a live boat, but again I don't understand how she could blame her sister's death on her if she doesn't even know she is actually dead? I think that I straighten her out though. I just wish she wouldn't have thoughts dreams.

I looked over at Rose who was walking next to me along the sand. How could someone who is so nice and beautiful have to go through school with no friends and then separated from the only friends that she had? She doesn't deserve it. No one does.

I guess I'm lucky that me and the lads all got off of the boat together, and didn't get separated from each other. I don't know what we would do if one of us got lost. We all owe Rose for saving Zayn's life because if he was gone then I would be gone too. 

I was still looking at Rose as she walked. She still had on her her shirt that used to be white and over that a little black vest thing. Her pant legs were rolled up and she didn't have any shoes on. Her hair was still pretty messy and full of sand after she went and saved Zayn but she still was still beautiful. 

Just then her head turned to me and I saw her beautiful face full on. 

"Um... Excuse me, but, what were you looking at?" She said it so politely and I felt my face heat up. 

She knew I was starring at her.

"Oh nothing, but your hair kinda still has some sand in it." Her hands shot up to her head as she felt her hair.

"Oh, yeah... I should probably wash it..." She said very quickly, looking embarrass.

I'm such an idiot! Now I made her feel bad about her hair! Gosh, I do not know how to talk to girls...maybe I should ask Harry...

"Liiiiiiiiaaaaaaam! Can we please stop walking now!?" And speak of the devil. 

"We haven't even been walking that long." Liam said when he turned to Harry.

"Yes we have! By the time we finish walking we'll be back to where we started!" Harry was being very winnie today.

"Fine but were just going to take a break and find some water."

And with that we all turned and started walking off toward the jungle.


We decided to take a break from walking and get some water but, it turns out that Niall was hungry again, so him and Zayn when off to find some food. 

My hand went up to my hair when I thought about what Niall told me. I aware that I look hideous; I don't need someone to tell me about it.  

My hair really did feel awful though and, I should probably wash it, only if we could find some water! 

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