Chapter 18

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I had my hands all around my hair as I was working on one of the bigger knots but I froze where I was as soon as I heard the blood chilling scream.


I could tell his deep Irish accent a mile away. 

All I could think of was; what else could happen now!? I cant imagine something bad happening to him! Oh please god don't let him be hurt! I- I cant loose him too! 



Were my ears playing tricks on me? Because I wish they would stop. 

I looked around the group which had gone completely silent. There faces were ghostly white with only confirmed that my ears were fully functioning. 

I jumped up and went back into auto drive, or as I call it crazy women mode. I don't know why nut when ever I know that some one might be in danger I stop everything and anything and I cant get out of that mode until I know that the person is safe or I save the person. The thing with Zayn was just one incident.

I started to sprint to where I heard the shout come from. 

My mind was blank as I ran past all of the boys. I jumped over anything that might slow me down. And I dodged anything that could stop me from getting to Niall. 

I need to get to him, I need to help him. 

I kept thinking that over and over again. 

Out here on this island, Niall was the one I trusted the most. He was the one I told all of my secrets to, he was the one who's shoulder I cried on when I thought about Jane, Niall was the one that had been there for me, and now I have to be the one there for him.

I pushed myself faster than I ever thought that I could and I already knew that the guys were about ten feet behind me.

I knew that I would start to slow down soon because my sprint was wearing off but I had to keep going.

I jumped into a clearing and I went from running what felt like 50 miles an hour to 0 in a split second.

I was stuck frozen on the spot.

Every bone in my body screamed at me to: go over to him! Help him! But I-I just couldn't. 

He was lying on the ground. Just lying there, motionless.  

However that wasn't the part that scared me.

I stopped dead in my tracks because of the thick, dark, crimson red liquid that was running out of his arm, and on to the soft jungle dirt.


I just don't know what happened to me. I wanted to run over there, to help him... I needed to make sure he wasn't, dead. 

I have no idea what happened to my crazy women mode, but as soon as I saw all of that blood it was an entirely new situation. 

I didn't realise I was holding my breath and so I let it out. 

Okay Rose, I was thinking to myself, Just take a deep breath. Its okay Niall is going to be fine. Just go over and make sure Niall is fine. You own it to him, he helped you way more than he should have.

And with that, I made my body take a step forward. 

I stepped very lightly over to where he was lying. I was trying not to step into the blood that was forming all around him, but it was useless.

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