Chapter 15

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Authors Note

Before I start I just want to tell everyone that if I dedicate a chapter to someone its probably just because they read my story and voted/commented on it, or if they fanned me because I really do appreciate the people that do that, so thank you!


It was dark and I was shivering. I was.... on the boat again?! No! Oh please god no! I never want to be back on this boat for the rest of my life... And yet here I am.

I looked around at the boat deck that was illuminated by moonlight just how it had been that awful night. Scared families still huddled together near the center of the boat. 

This time, I didn't wast any time. I ran straight over to the side of the deck and peered over the railing. I expected to see Jane in the water again looking for me... But this time she wasn't there. I was kind of hoping to see her. Its been so long since I've seen her smile or heard her voice. It just wasn't natural for me, after growing up and always having Jane by my side as my one true friend and now I'm not with her. 

My eyes were still scanning the water hoping, to catch a glimpse of her reddish brown hair. I was still looking when I felt someone hit me on the back. I instinctively turned around. 

My mouth gaped open and I imagine that my expression was complete shock. I was staring in to the eyes on Jane and she never looked more angry. Anger was not the only emotion that shown through her eyes, I saw the look of vengeance and hatred.

The Jane I saw standing before me was not the Jane that I remember. My Jane was always happy, or understanding, and her eyes always seemed well coming. But not now. Why did she seem so angry at me? As if I asked the question out load she answered.

"Where were you?" She spit the words at me and it was like a knife to my heart. Jane had never used that voice when she talked to m before. She whispered the words so that they sounded threatening and full of hatred. But all I could think of was, what happened to Jane? 

"Ja-Jane, I was tr-trying to find you. I searched the deck but-but your weren't there." Her face shown with rage and I was getting scared now. Jane couldn't have possibly thought that I had left her on the boat on purpose, right?

"You weren't trying to find me! You wanted me to drown! You left me on this boat to die! If you really cared about me then you would have saved me!"

I stood there with my mouth gaped open and tears spilling out of my eyes. I wanted to protest, to say that I would never want her gone, but the last sentence that she said made me stop. If I really cared about her, I would have saved her. I could have saved her, but I didn't. 

"Rose you left me to die out there in that water and now I'm going to return the favor." I was still gaping at her. My eyes were pleading with her to stop saying the things that she was saying... I couldn't take it any more. It was my fault she was gone, it was all my fault!

I was taken off guard when Jane suddenly leaned forward and picked me up. I didn't struggle with her because I dissevered what ever she was going to do and I wasn't going to fight my own sister. 

She scooped me up and forcefully dropped me over the railing of the boat that we were still standing by. 

When I realized what she was doing it was too late.

I was falling. I was falling off the edge of a sinking boat because my own sister through me off. 

She must really hate me. 

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