Chapter 1: A New Face

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"It's been quite some time."


The loud, yet dull chatter of The Great Hall caused a stir of annoyance to begin building up in Snape's chest. The Great Hall was always busy at mealtimes, considering all the students were packed in after a long day of classes and practices. They were always excited to sit at their House tables and tell their friends and Housemates all about the shenanigans that they had gotten into over the course of their school day.

Professor Snape always tried to drown out the noise as best as he could. It wasn't that he minded all the conversation and noise, but it was just the fact that he was so used to noise. Snape was an incredibly talented, intelligent guy. It wasn't any surprise that he was constantly thinking about something. No one would ever consider him preoccupied by any means, but the flow of traffic going through his mind was rather crowded.

Snape never really said much during meals in The Great Hall. Snape really never said much at all. He kept to himself most of the time, a certain shyness that he never really grew out of. He had his head down as he silently ate. He had a special friendship with Minerva McGonagall. She was someone that always was able to see the real him that lied deep within. But even then, she struggled to get a decent conversation out of him. Although, tonight his quietness could be due to the fact that no one was sitting in the empty seat next to him. 

It was another year with another new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. It was also another year that Severus had NOT been picked for the job. He stabbed at the food on his plate in an irritated way as he thought about it. This felt like the millionth year in a row that Dumbledore had gone out of his way to find someone completely new to fill the open occupation. It seemed like every year Dumbledore picked someone just as terrible as the last. 

Quirnius Quirrell had seemed rather normal in the beginning. Snape didn't mind him at first, but it didn't take long for Snape to spot his dishonesty.

Gilderoy Lockhart had been a grade A moron. A real pompous, stuck up, annoying man with no real talent for wizardry whatsoever.

And don't even get Snape started on Remus Lupin.

So, it was another year that Snape would be introduced to a new professor. A new face that he'd be forced to get to know and deal with on a very frequent basis. He'd have to speak to them daily and maybe even cover their classes at some point. Classes wouldn't be starting until Monday, since yesterday had been the arrival day for all of the students. Snape had yet to see the new DADA professor.

He just wondered how idiotic and brainless the next professor would be. 

He suddenly felt a presence take the seat next to him. Snape figured it was McGonagall or Sprout coming to make friendly conversation all the way where Snape sat at the end of the table. But the voice that was connected to the presence spoke, and it wasn't Minerva or Pomona. Snape's head all but snapped up to look at the person speaking to him, causing him to almost choke when he saw who it was. 

You were greeted first by Flitwick, before you could even really notice Snape, who sat at your immediate left. He was politely excited to see you, since you had been such a wonderful student back in the day. He congratulated you on your new position, making small talk with you while Snape stared at you dumbly. 

You weren't who he was expecting at all.

Eventually, your conversation with Flitwick dwindled and your eyes met Snape's. You were looking at him with cheery expectation. Just like you always had before.

"Hi, Professor Snape." You returned politely.

"[Y/N]?" Snape questioned once he was assured that he wouldn't die due to chicken being lodged in his windpipe.

Your smile was blinding, a stunning grin that he had not yet forgotten about.

He was absolutely floored. You were the last person he ever expected to fill the DADA position. Granted, he hadn't seen you in at least 10 years, and had no idea where you had ended up. 

You had graduated a year behind Snape, and you had even encountered him as your professor for the last year of your schooling for Advanced Potions since he went straight to teaching after he graduated. It had been a bit of a strange ordeal, having to suddenly see one of your schoolmates as your professor. 

He was sure that he was dreaming. There was no way that you were sitting right in front of him right now, as clear as ever and plain as day. He was even more surprised that you still remembered him. He was used to always being lost from people's memories.

You had gained several stares from the House tables. The students were curious to see their new DADA professor,

"It's wonderful to see you," You said rather nervously; "It's been quite some time."

Severus' initial shock was beginning to wear off, allowing him to break his gaze from you. He didn't really want to speak to you. What could you possibly want with him? He wondered if he should chance it and say something, but he kept his answers short.

He nodded, returning to his meal, but with much more tension.

"It has." He answered curtly.

You bit the inside of your cheek, noticing his flat tone. Maybe he didn't realize that you were working here now? But why else would you be sitting at the professors' table?

"I didn't ever think we'd meet again like this," You confessed, picking up your fork to casually begin eating; "Back at Hogwarts...first few days of the term."

"With you as the new Defense professor no less." Snape snapped.

It came out harshly, and in a jealous way. You shrank away in your chair, intimidated by his roughness. You had heard a few whispers that Snape had been eyeing the DADA position for years now. You couldn't imagine why. He was extraordinary when it came to Potions.

He seemed unimpressed by you. He appeared to be not at all interested in catching up with one of his fellow classmates from long ago. You had to admit that stung a little. You didn't exactly expect him to leap for joy when he saw you, but you didn't expect him to shun you quite like this either.

You and Snape hadn't exactly run with the same crowd during your schooling years. You were friendly with James Potter and his group, while Severus had been friends with...well, no one. On top of that, you had even dated Sirius Black for the better half of your years at Hogwarts (and as far as Snape knew, you might still be together), so you were maybe a little more than friendly with the Marauders that were notorious for picking on Snape.

You and Snape had a somewhat history that hadn't been touched in years. 

No, you and Snape never dated or anything. You never even got close to having any kind of romantic relationship with Snape. But you had always been kind to him. You went out of your way to be kind to him. You had felt bad for him...and you HATED the things that Sirius and his friends had done to Snape. And at one point, Snape had began to just barely open up to you.

Those days were long gone, and now you were fearing you'd never get the chance to address that part of your life.

Snape noticed how different you were now. Back in the day, you radiated confidence and happiness. You were extremely popular and could have absolutely anyone you wanted. But now, you told a different story. He couldn't put his finger on it, but you didn't seem like the you that he had once known. You weren't as bold or bright.

You honestly seemed scared.

"Professor Snape, I just want to say that I-"

"I'm afraid I must go," Snape cut you off in a less than apologetic tone; "I'll be seeing you around...clearly."

You only offered a brief goodbye, promptly ending your weak conversation. Snape was out of The Great Hall within seconds, robes flying behind him as he made way to wherever he was going. He wasn't sure what it was that was telling him to avoid you at all costs, but whatever it was, it was strong.

He left you feeling dejected, disappointed that you weren't able to have a decent conversation. You could only hope that things would improve from here, and that you could be able to resolve old grudges.

For now, this certainly was not the start you were looking for.

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