Chapter 12: The Three Broomsticks

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"Sirius wants to see you. He knows you're around."


It seemed that the whole 'starting over' thing was proving to be efficient. Severus was speaking to you again, making friendly conversations to get to know you a little better. You spent a lot of time together in your office and at dinner. Maybe this time things were actually on the right track to where they needed to be.

Neither of you had talked about that night again. It remained an unspoken secret, and neither of you had taken the time to think about it too much. You were both content with the little bit that you had talked about it...for now. It made you feel better to know that he didn't really know what to think of it either. So, it was pretty much decided that it wasn't necessary to dwell on it more. But what the two of you hadn't realized was that you hadn't solved it.

You were ignoring it.

October was one of your favorite months of year. The cooler air brought new activities to do and new seasonal foods that you adored. This was your first fall back in the wizarding world after living in London for several years. Hogsmeade was one place you had missed endlessly, so you went at every chance you had.

"Hey, Sev?" You called from your desk.

He hummed to acknowledge that he had heard you, but he didn't look up from his own desk.

"Is it a Hogsmeade weekend?" You questioned.

Severus nodded.

"Yes. Why?" He replied.

"We should go! You didn't go last time." You reminded him, swiveling in your chair.

He set his quill down and his eyes flickered over to you. He had never met an adult in his life that was more excited to go to Hogsmeade than the students.

"No, I've got too much to do here." He said honestly.

You rolled your eyes.

"You always have too much to do. And if I recall, you said you'd buy me a drink sometime." You pointed out, a smirk appearing on your face.

He chewed the inside of his cheek as he remembered that he did indeed say he'd take you out for drinks. He was truthfully forgotten about his promise until now.

"And if I recall, I told you that I could take you at any time," He said rather gruffly, but softened when he saw your puppy like eyes, "There will be more Hogsmeade trips. Must it be this one?" He bantered.

You stood up from your chair excitedly. That was about as close to a yes as you would get. You yanked him from his chair, causing a startled yelp to come out of him.

"Yes. It must." You mocked, dragging him out of his office.

You thought that Severus needed to get out more. He seemed to only rotate between his office, his chambers, his classroom, and The Great Hall. Life was so boring when all you did was work all the time. Even Severus needed a night off from time to time.

"Just where are you taking me?" Severus queried, retrieving his wand from his pocket.

You stopped at his question, giving him a funny look.

"Outside. We can't Apparate from inside the castle." You told him, referring to the protective charm that was over the inside of Hogwarts.

Severus snorted, a devilish smile appearing on his face as he put his free hand on your shoulder.

"Do you really believe that I don't have a trick up my sleeve?" He asked you.

You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could get anything out, you were interrupted by a fast whoosh sound. You were suddenly smack in the middle of Hogsmeade, students running around wildly due to their sugar rushes from Honeydukes. The sun had already begun to set, meaning the kids would be returning soon.

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