Chapter 29: Sirius Black

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"I never didn't want us anymore. I never stopped loving you." 


Remus' apartment was about what you had expected. He wasn't kidding when he said it was a temporary arrangement, considering that there was minimal furniture and it looked barely lived in. While it was pretty bare and empty, there was some evidence that Remus and Sirius had been living there. There were Firewhisky bottles in the kitchen, some were completely full while some had some leftover inside. The living room had half-read books on the tables next to the sofa, and the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table alerted you that Sirius had picked up his old habit. 

It was clear that they had been living under the radar. Nothing was fully unpacked and there honestly wasn't very much stuff to begin with. The apartment was complete with two small bedrooms and a joint bathroom. It was perfect for them to live for a while.

"I have to say, I'm impressed with the place. It's not completely trashed to hell." You joked, giving Remus a nervous smile.

He chuckled, anxiously rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Ah, well, you know. I've always been the clean one," He admitted, "Like I said. This is temporary. We'll probably move again in about a month."

Remus didn't like being the middle man. He had been your communication tunnel for the last several months, and now that it was actually happening...he was nervous for how you'd react. He loved you and he loved Sirius. You were his two best friends, and the last thing he wanted was to lose either of you...again. 

 "I didn't exactly tell Sirius you were coming today. I mean, he knows we were talking about it, but...well, he just might be a little surprised is all." Remus said. 

You only laughed softly, not at all surprised that Remus didn't tell him.

"Where is he?" You questioned, bending your fingers nervously. 

You were jittery, anxious to get on with this before you lost your nerve. You felt your heart pounding with every pump of blood. Your stomach felt sick, your arms and legs tingly with fear of what was about to come. 

"He's probably in his bedroom. Poor guy has nothing better to do than read and smoke," He told you, "I'll get him."

Remus disappeared down the short hallway, stopping in front of one of the doors and knocking lightly. The knocks sounded like they were miles away in your ears, almost like a distant echo.

"Hey, Padfoot?" Remus called, smiling gently when he heard Sirius rustling around, "There's someone here to see you." He winked at you.

You returned a smile, but you were as nervous as could be. While it was only a few seconds, it felt like decades for Sirius to open the door. Time felt frozen and the world stopped spinning. This was the moment you had been thinking about for months now. 

You were about to see Sirius Black.

"Did the Department finally catch up to me, Moony?" Sirius voice rang out when he opened the door.

Your heart hit your shoes at the sound of his voice. He sounded completely different, yet completely the same as the last time you'd seen him. Remus grinned at his pal, clapping his hand onto his shoulder and bringing him out of his room.

"Not today. It's someone you're going to be very happy to see." Remus told him.

Any look of confusion disappeared from Sirius' face when he saw you standing in front of him. His face drained completely ghostly white, his eyes widening at the sight of you. He felt his heart take a massive leap in his chest, and if it hadn't been for Remus holding him steady, he was sure he would've collapsed to the ground. 

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