Chapter 15: Pressing Questions

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"But you look spooked, Professor."

Over the next month, you had a newfound energy after finally establishing your relationship with Severus. You were dating, but taking things slowly. You had to admit that it was a little bit thrilling to know that you were Severus Snape's girlfriend. It was unexpected and a bit surprising.

You were keeping things on the down low. You didn't want to make it out to be big news and then things not actually work out (because that was still a possibility). For now, you were taking things one day at a time. Things would fall into the correct places with each passing step.

Still, you and Severus were both acting out of the ordinary. Instead of avoiding each other, you seemed to actually SEEK each other out. Your heated, angry conversations were suddenly light hearted and bubbly. The entire dynamic had changed for the better.

Everyone had begun to notice. The kids all claimed that Severus' class had become easier and that you had a certain pep in your step when you were teaching. While everyone was suspicious, only a few were asking questions.

And they were working together.

Minerva was probably the most curious. She had noticed Severus' newfound jubilance long before anyone else. She saw the way he smiled around you, and how he laughed so genuinely. His joy didn't stop there though. When you weren't around, he always seemed to be in a daze with a smile on his face.

As crazy as it sounded, Minerva swore up and down that she saw him skipping down the hall one day.

"I don't know what you mean, Minerva." You lied as she stood at the side of your classroom desk.

Minerva had entered your classroom after all the kids had practically trampled over her to get to The Great Hall for lunch. Minerva knew you'd have a short window for a break, and she found that to be her opportunity to talk.

"Don't try to fool me. I can see that something is different." Minerva stated.

"What's different?" You asked casually, fiddling with the ink pen in your hand.

"That's what I'm asking you. You and Severus are both acting strange." Minerva pointed out once more.

You laughed to try and appear innocent. It wasn't that you didn't want Minerva to know, but now just wasn't the time...and you'd also have to admit that she was right.

"I'm the same as I've always been. As for Severus, I'm not sure, but it surely doesn't have anything to do with me." You replied.

Minerva could tell you were lying. She was no Legilimens, but she could tell that there was something you weren't saying. Minerva had been watching you and Severus closely over the last few weeks, and something was definitely off.

She had never seen Severus so happy before.

"But a few kids have said that you and Severus have been hanging out together." Minerva said quietly, hoping you'd catch her hint.

"Well, is that so wrong? Severus is my friend." You said calmly, not at all bothered.

"[Y/N], they said that they saw you snogging." Minerva hissed, annoyed that you weren't picking up on her tone.

You were still unfazed. You had a feeling all of these questions were coming. You and Severus knew that being spotted was inevitable, so you had prepared ahead of time.

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