Chapter 20: The Plans of Fate

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"Trust me. As time goes on, the details begin to fade,"


The panic that you felt was unlike any other. How did Minerva know? There was no way that she could possibly know, but there was no sense in denying it.

"Minerva, how did you find out?" You questioned, completely appalled.

Her smirk was blindingly clear as to the reason why she knew and how she had found out. 

"As I said before. The castle can be loud at night," She hinted, "Silencing charms exist for a reason."

Your stomach dropped to your shoes. How had Minerva HEARD the two of you? Sure, you tended to be (as Severus always put it) wonderfully noisy in the bedroom, but you couldn't believe that anyone else had heard you. Your stunned silence only made her laugh as you began to piece it all together. All the professors at Hogwarts had personal quarters that were located in one wing of the castle. They were fairly close together, but you had never heard any commotion from any of the other professor's rooms. 

It was even worse, because there was no telling WHAT exactly Minerva had heard you say or what kind of wanton, unholy noises she had heard. You were also curious to know if last night was even the first time she had heard something. As far as silencing charms go, that felt like a major slap in the face. How had you, of all people, been forgetting to cast a charm to keep any noise from escaping? When you and Sirius were always sneaking around the castle and fucking anywhere and everywhere you could, that was always the first thing you did. 

You should've known better, you supposed.

"I don't even know what to say. I'm so embarrassed, I didn't realize..." You blushed, and not for a good reason. 

"[Y/N], I assure you I'm not judging you. Not to worry, dear. I casted a charm for you when I...passed by," Minerva told you, which didn't offer you much comfort, "I've been suspicious for a little while, but I have to say that last night cemented my theory."

You and Minerva continued to walk towards The Great Hall, keeping this conversation low and discreet. That didn't stop you from falling into a ramble.

"It sort of just happened, Minnie. We went on a somewhat date about a month ago and we got drunk and then I saw Remus Lupin by chanceand he told me that Sirius Black wants to see me and then Severus brought us back to his room and we had sex and then it just-"

"Stop," Minerva cut you off, "I'm afraid you've skipped about five parts. I'd love to hear about it, but from the beginning preferably."

You sighed. It was so much yet not enough to even explain. You started by telling her about the date at The Three Broomsticks, the Firewhisky, Remus telling you about Sirius, Severus getting upset that Remus was there, the sex, and then a few other details leading up to this moment. Minerva even slowed your stroll to gain more time to talk.

"You've had quite an interesting month I'd say. How did Severus react to your potential rekindling with Sirius?" Minerva wondered.

"I don't think I'd call it a 'rekindling'. I don't plan on getting back together with him." You stated, ignoring the pang in your chest when you said it.

Minerva nodded, but she didn't seem confident in your answer.

"Right. Let me rephrase. How does Severus feel about what Remus told you?" Minerva asked again.

"He didn't like it at first, but we talked about it. He understands that I want to do it, but I don't think he wants me to do it." You explained. 

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