Chapter 8: Curiosity

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"But I'd just like to know what sort of things he says."


"Class, enough about Professor Snape." You groaned, rubbing your temples stressfully at your failed attempts to get your boisterous class to simmer down.

"But, Professor [L/N], we want to know everything!" Hermione Granger said from her seat in the front of the class.

You looked at the bright eyed Gryffindor, noticing that all of her peers were sharing the same expressions of curiosity.

"There's nothing to know, Hermione. I don't even know what you kids are on about." You lied, turning back to the chalkboard to keep your blush from appearing in front of them.

You wrote much more slowly than usual to stall, flakes of the white chalk fluttering to the floor without sound. You heard their hushed whispers and faint giggles, another voice piping up shortly after,

"We're talking about you and Professor Snape!" Lavender Brown exclaimed.

You sighed, setting the chalk down on the board tray and turning around again. You went to the front of your classroom desk, leaning against it. You couldn't help but grin in amusement. Damn kids and their questions.

"What is it about Professor Snape and I that has all of you disrupting my class?" You asked with a chuckle.

They all perked up now that you had given in, their questions rattling off so fast you could barely keep up.

"You aren't DATING him are you?" Seamus Finnigan gagged.

"Do you like him?" Hannah Abbott questioned.

"Is he any good at snogging?" Ron Weasley blurted.

That last one caused everyone to let out a gasp, except for his best friend who was laughing so hard you thought he might faint.

"Ron Weasley!" You scolded, your posture standing up straight from your desk.

Ron looked around with his hands up in defense, as if that were a totally normal question to ask. 

"What? We were all thinking it!" Ron defended himself, crossing his arms and slinking away in his chair.

The class dwindled into murmurs and more sneaky giggles, anxiously awaiting your next statement. Your scratched at the back of your head cumbersomely. You were pretty sure that discussing your personal life in front of students was frowned upon, but you were half-honest when you had said that there wasn't really anything to tell.

"We do not 'snog', as you kids so eloquently put it," You alerted them, "Professor Snape and I are not dating either. Who in the world is telling you these things?" 

The room of fourth year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors looked at each other the way they usually did when they knew something that you didn't know. You raised a brow, but didn't even get a chance to ask about it.

"Why did you get in a fight in The Great Hall?" Hermione asked.

You had almost forgotten about the little catfight that you and Severus had put on a few days ago. Apparently, it was still all the talk amongst the students.

"We had a disagreement. Just like all friends do sometimes," You told her, but referring to the entire class, "You disagree with Harry and Ron sometimes, don't you?"

Hermione nodded.

"Well, yes, didn't seem like a disagreement to me." Hermione spoke as respectfully as possible.

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