Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood

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[Haha guys, sorry for the delay. I haven't really been in the mood to write, seeming as I have no idea what to write without junk coming into an update. On another note, I'm thinking about setting up an Etsy shop and I was wondering what you guys think about that]

Dirk's POV

I got to her room and slammed open the door. Rae jumped and looked over at the door, her eyes wide. Her eyes, I forgot how beautiful they were. I couldn't help but grin at her, which was so out of character for me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, I was so relieved that she was safe and that they wouldn't pull the plug that I rushed over and hugged her tightly.

I could hear some muffled protest coming from her and I pulled back from Rae who seemed to be blushing profusely. "I-I-I," She stuttered, looking around the room. "Are y-" I started before being so rudely interrupted by a chick running into the room. "Rae, I can't believe I had to leave you, I am soooo sorry-" She stopped once she saw us.  "Who are you?" She wrinkled her nose, crossing her arms as she planted her feet into the ground. This wasn't a competition for Rae, sheesh.

"Rae's boyfriend," I replied smoothly, taking in the girl before me. She sounded different, like she had been raised in a different country, possibly Britain. Along with that strange quirk, she had brown hair, brown eyes, and seemed about average height for a 16 year old girl. She was pretty, I would give her that, but she was nothing compared to Rae.

"W-Who are you?" Rae stuttered, even more red than before. Wait...does this imply that she forgot us?...No fucking way. She couldn't forget us. "Your boyfriend..." I said slowly, my eyebrows drawn together in confusion. She shook her head. "I don't even know you!" She said loudly, exasperated. My breath hitched and I nodded, walking towards the door, taking in what she just said to me. "I'll be outside." I muttered.

"Because my boyfriend is Dirk Strider and he wouldn't have looked so depressed considering he hasn't seen me since before my accident." She said, giggling. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to Rae. "You're ridiculous and you gave me a heart attack you know." I slowly walked back to her, my hands in my back pockets. "You wanna know something?" I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She smiled and looked up at me, "What?" "You gave me more than enough time to realize something..." I muttered, getting closer to her. "And what's that?" She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. "That I love you." I whispered before I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her like her friend wasn't in the room, like my friends weren't in the room, like we were the only ones in the entire world. However, what made it better, was that she kissed back.

She shoved me back after a second and shook her head, trying not to blush which was so obvious. "Oh my god Dirk, I can't believe you just did that." She whispered, laughing. "Did what?" I sat next to her as Jane, Jake, Roxy and the other chick started to walk closer. "You know what! That was embarrassing." She stuck her nose up and turned away from me.

The random girl who's name I still had yet to find out squealed and hugged Rae. "You so weren't kidding! You do have a boyfriend," she said before whispering into Rae's ear, that still wasn't discreet enough for me. "And a cute one at that." She kissed Rae's forehead. "I'll have to tell Lukeeee." Rae groaned, "Lacie, don't  you dare, if you do he's bound to drive over right now, despite the consequences and try to knock some sense into Dirk." Her eyes flickered over to me before looking back at...Lacie.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to us. "So, who are you guys? I know of Dirk now, and I've heard stories of Roxy, Jane and Jake in the last few minutes to fill books, so tell me." This girl was so...energetic compared to any of us, it was alarming to wonder how we ever became friends with Rae. "I'm Jake," Jake smiled and chuckled, "And this is Jane and this is Roxy." Roxy hugged her, "We are like, sooooo going to become best friends forever." Lacie rolled her eyes and hugged back, "Well it's nice to meet you too." Jane smiled and waved, being polite like always.

"Weren't these your internet friends?" Lacie turned back to Rae, who seemed to be enjoying herself despite she hadn't said much. "Mhm, yeah they were, which made it all the more interesting to finally meet them." Lacie nodded, taking in everyone's features. "That seems cool, I guess I'll have to take a look into their backgrounds to see if there is anything fishy." Rae finally took a turn at rolling her eyes.  "Oh my god, just stop." Rae turned back to us and cleared her throat, "Lacie's father is the head of the Police department and she likes to 'check up on people' from time to time."

I chuckled and kissed Rae's temple, "You have interesting friends," "Yeah I guess I do," She smiled, looking at all of us before asking. "What's today?" Roxy laughed, "Only the most important day of the year, it's Christmas," Her eyes widened, "Wow, what a great day to be back." Everyone laughed a little and nodded. I pulled a box out of my back pocket and handed it to her. "Merry Christmas," I leaned back, waiting for her to unwrap it. You could tell she was embarrassed, and it was a good thing, she was beautiful even through that. She slowly pulled the ribbon off, opening the box. She gasped and looked up at me. The necklace I gave her glimmered in the lights. The necklace was a silver heart outline with diamonds studded into it. She looked as if she was about to cry.  "I didn't even get you anything." I shook my head, "Yes you did, you woke up and that was all that I wanted."

[Woop woop, okay, glad I could get that update out of the way. After all I was 'commanded' to update this story. Haha. Au revoir]

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