Such Great Heights

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[ Sorry my lovely readers, I did have stuff to do for the last month (exams, plane rides to Minnesota, the usual) so there was no update.
Also, if it wasn't obvious, I have been...busy and made another story *coughs*
I'm also ashamed to say that the most read stories of Homestuck on this site are...NSFW. I mean, I wonder if half of you realize how freaking creepy that is. That more people would read smut than an honest to god story...]

Dirk's POV


I sighed and ran a thumb over her frail hand. She hadn't woken up in too long. They were close to cutting her off since she hadn't shown any signs of waking up. I wasn't sure how this could have happened, because it wasn't fair to her. She didn't do anything wrong.

I kissed her forehead and stood up to leave. Occasionally I stayed in the room and slept, but not tonight, I had presents to get and a friend to find. It had been over a month since Jake and I had fought and Christmas was right around the corner.

I walked out to the car, turning it on. I drove over to Jane's, heading to the party. I hurriedly pulled into her driveway, hoping out. I didn't necessarily want to drive anywhere anymore, but I also had to get to places quickly, so I suck it up. I grabbed the three presents that I had saved for them and knocked on her door.

I smirked as Roxy opened the door, hugging me tightly, "Oh my gawd, Dirk, we didn't know if you were ewer gonna show up," She said, muffled against my shoulder. I chuckled and pulled away, slipping past her. "Well, I did say I was gonna show, didn't I?" I smirked, dropping the presents on the table. Suddenly, Jane looped her arms around me, giggling. "Welcome back Dirk," She grinned up at me.

My eyes widened and I tried to shake off the thought of Rae. I gave a small smile and pushed her away. "So, what's new with y-" I saw Jake across the room, who was trying to look down and play with his fingers. I coughed and continued speaking, "You guys?" I looked around, I swear, sometimes they have the saddest parties, as if they were waiting on someone...oh.

"Haha, nothing much, we were just talking about school," Jane smiled and sat down on the couch. I nodded and tossed her a present, "Merry Christmas," She grinned and looked at me. I tossed one to Roxy who squealed, "Thank," she hiccuped, "You." I smiled and nodded. I walked over to Jake, "Yo Jake, catch," I threw a present at him. His eyes widened and he smiled a wide grin. "T-Thanks," He beamed.

I chuckled and turned to them, who all seemed engrossed in the phone cases that I had made for each of them, each with their own logo on it. In reality? It seems like such a stupid thing now, but back then when we were 12, we decided to have 'fancharacters' off of this really shitty webcomic, and we each had our own symbol. Wow, we were dumb asses, but whatever, it was fun. I chuckled and got on the couch, listening to each of them ramble and laugh about what I gave them.

"Don't even worry about it," I snickered, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly my phone started ringing, and so did everyone else's. We all pulled out our phone, confused. "Hello?" I answered my phone, looking at the number. "This is an automated message, a patient in our care has woken up, patient number 20561, also known as Rae Johnson, has woken up. Have a good day."


That's all there was for a moment before Roxy squealed again and I grinned and jumped up, heading to my car along with the other three. Screw every other Christmas, this had to be the absolute best and I wasn't going to ruin it now.

[Woop woop, sorry for the shortness guys, but I didn't really feel like writing after everything else. Hope it wasn't that bad~]

Not Is, At All, What It Seems ( A Homestuck Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora