So Sick And Tired Of All The Hatred You Harbor

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[ha. as I listen to this song I realize a friend's story (that she did indeed take down for some ungodly reason) was named after this song, Fuck You by Lily Allen

anyway im just gonna try and update this as soon as possible]

I groaned. Why did I choose to come to this party?...I don't know anyone here really. Dirk was flirting with Jake so it seemed, and Jake was too naive to even notice...

Sometimes I worry about that boy.

It was around eleven right now, and I didnt have any missed calls from my dad or brother and I was a little unsure whether to be relieved about that or not.

"Hey Janey," Roxy stumbled towards Jane, giggling. "Oh hi there Roxy!" She smiled and waved, startled slightly. Roxy leaned closer and whispered into her ear, "I think Di Stri is goin in for the hit," she leaned back and sat down on the couch. Jane's smile flickered for a moment before she went back to smiling. "Wooooooo," Roxy said, poking her side but Jane was still standing, lost in thought.

Roxy glanced around, suddenly bored and caught me in the corner before grinning, "Hey Rae Bae," she got up, walking over. "What are you even furkin...*fucking doing?" I glanced up and shrugged. I was really only just watching the party till she came over.

"Come onnnnnn you can talk to me girl," she poked me in the side, causing me to flail. I stopped and glared at her, to which she giggled. I shook my head and sighed. She sat there for a moment, "Hey, why don't you talk to us? I mean like you seem pretty chatty on the internet...*internet," I shrugged, "I...just don't have much to say I guess," I spoke quietly, lying. No...I had been like this ever since the new school... 

She shrugged, "Whatevs, here drink this," she handed me a clear glass. I peered down into the cup. It looked like coke, so I drank it, quickly...It was actually really good and I don't normally like coke. Roxy laughed, "You like that don't you?" 

I nodded barely, blushing. "Cute," she muttered. "What?" I coughed, blushing even more. Roxy got really close to my face before Jake and Dirk jumped onto the couch right beside us. I was pretty sure that my face was as red as a tomato now so I looked away, bringing my knees up to my chest. 

"Hey girls," Jake grinned. "Hey Jakey," Roxy smiled, looking unfazed. "What have you two been talking about?" He responded naively. Dirk sighed, "Sometimes you can be so naive..." "What?" Jake frowned. "Nothing," Dirk shook his head tersely, looking away. "Oh nothing, I just got here," Roxy responded. I looked more closely at her to see that she was slightly frowning. Wait had she meant to kiss me?... Oh man Roxy, I can't think of anyone like that, and certainly not you. 

The three of them kept talking, and soon forgot I was there, not that I minded nor cared. I wasn't talking to them, and I was in my own little world at that. Surely Roxy didn't mean to kiss me right?... I mean she had always told me how she had a crush on she wouldn't mean to kiss me. Wait is she drunk? Yeah she had to be. 

I blinked and looked up, Jake and Roxy were talking to each other on the couch and Dirk was listening to them I guess, he wasn't talking and didn't seem to be in the conversation. I got up and walked off, slipping out the door. I wasn't going to be missed anyway so I might as well leave. 

I rushed down the stairs, glancing out to the street, great, it is raining. I pulled my hood up and stepped out to the sidewalk, running towards my house. I turned off the street to get closer to my house, shivering. Lights illuminated the pavement and suddenly a car stopped next to me. I quickened my pace, walking away from the car. 

I heard a slam, causing me to jump. Oh my gosh I am going to be kidnapped, or jumped, or raped. Cold fingers closed around my wrist and I screamed loudly. "Hey shhh," Dirk said, covering my mouth. "Oh Dirk," I wheezed, "You scared me," 

"Did I?" He chuckled, the lights revealing what he looked like...Kyle. I let out a squeak before my throat closed. I couldn't handle this right now...His hands traced my sides as he breathed down on me, filled with alcohol. "Come on now, if you don't want me to then just say so," He chuckled, kissing down my neck. 

My stomach tingled, a moan escaping. As much as I hated it, I couldn't help but enjoy being touched. "Come on, I'll give you a ride," He grinned. I nodded barely, still feeling his lips on my neck. He pulled me into the car, locking the doors before driving off. I was physically shaking right now, and his smirk wasn't helping much. Where was Dirk to stop him now?...


Kyle drove to a field in the middle of nowhere, and I was stupid enough to not even remember where we went. He put the car into park before he leaned the seat back, kissing down my neck, his hands sliding into my shirt. I let out another moan, still shaking. "God just stop crying, you disgust me," I balled up my fists and tried to stop, but failed. 

"Would you just stop fucking crying?..." He scowled, pulling my shirt up and off. I pushed him back, socking him in the face, much to his surprise and mine. His eyes widened before hardening, his lips pressed together. "Okay bitch-" I opened the door and  ran, leaving my shirt far far behind me. I didn't like that shirt, it doesn't matter. 

I grabbed my phone shakily, tears blurring my vision. "Get back here!" He growled, getting out, yelling after me. Thank God I am fast, else I think I would have been raped. I went down to my contacts and called Roxy...wait she is drunk. I hung up and called Dirk. After a second I heard a response, "Hello?..." I heard a confused boy answer. "D-Dirk?..." I sobbed. "Rae?" He sounded more alert. "What's wrong?"

"I-I need you to come get me," "Where are you? I thought you were at the party," I didn't want to talk normally, and certainly not now, but I needed a ride. "I'm...not sure, I'm in a field overlooking McDonalds," I bit my lip. "I know right where you are, if you run towards the trees and head right there is a road, hide in the trees by the highway and I will be right there." "K" I nodded. " safe," He said, before hanging up. 

I was already in the forest like thing, so walking to the road didn't take long. I hid under the tree's canopy, hiding from Kyle and the rain, which was causing me to shiver and shake even more. After about fifteen minutes a car pulled up. Dirk, the actual one, got out and walked over, "Rae?..." he whispered. I walked out of the shadows, my head hanging, staring at the ground. He picked me up, to which I flinched, "Sorry..." He muttered, buckling me up, his fingers sliding against my chest. 

"Where is your shirt?" He frowned. I brought my chest up to my knees as he put it in start, and drove off. "Never don't have to answer that." After about a ten minute silence we got to his apartment, and he stopped the car, unbuckled us before picking me up and bringing me inside to his room. No one noticed us, I mean he did walk through the backdoor anyway. 

..."Here," Dirk handed me a shirt, looking away. Till now I had almost completely forgotten. "I hate Kyle," was all I said for the next two days. And that was all that needed to be said. 

[Okayyyyyy I'm back from the cruise! It was actually really fun and I have updated now like promised!]

Not Is, At All, What It Seems ( A Homestuck Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora