Another Day, Another Beginning

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[Hope 4/13 is great! I've been hanging out with my friend (who actually wore me out and I haven't been this tired in a while so let's see how this update goes) I have been listening to two songs all day honestly. 413 Song and Let's See How Far We've Come (Homestuck parody) which I found both from tumblr. 

Oh this is fun. And thank you to the few of those who have already read this! And...those who made it past the opening...I don't understand but okay.]

I walked to the hellhole slowly, enjoying my time away from it. The time that it took to get to and from school and home was 'me time'. I used that time to just stop stressing out entirely and relax...I passed a certain house, nothing different about it, but it caught my attention. I stared at it for a moment before shrugging it off and walking to school quicker. 

I got to school too quick, so I rushed through the hallways, making my way to my locker, avoiding feet and mainly people at all costs. As I ran to my locker, I ducked my head down and...ran. I used to run track/cross-country at my old school so running was something I could do. 

I got to my locker, grabbing my books, throwing them into my bag, walking to my homeroom to wait around. I went back to thinking about Lacie...she was a great friend, not that she was my only friend however. I wasn't picked on at my old school at all, so this was all new to me. I mean there was Luke, Lacie, Mera, Fyre, and my internet friends Jay, Jane, Dirk, Jake, and Roxy. I had met Jane, Dirk, Jake, and Roxy through Roxy when I had posted a post on tumblr and she had messaged me about it...or something. It's hard to remember, that was like three years ago.

I don't really talk to Jay all that much anymore, and I haven't spoken to the JJDR group in a while. I grabbed my phone and opened the pesterchum app on my phone. They finally made an app for it in the last year, which saved me a lot of time and boredom. I pulled up my friend's chumhandle, 'tipsyGnostalgic' up and messaged her saying, 'Hey roxy,' 

I didn't expect a response, she didn't really repsond all too quickly. But to my surprise, within a few seconds I got a 'hey bae, long tiem no see' '*time' 

SP: Ha yeah i guess

SP: Ive just been busy sorry

TG: well u need to go talk to ur cursh di stri, hes ben missin u liek no tom hehe

TG: *curse

TG: *crush jfc

TG: *all the sweet typos

SP: Haha yeah nice

SP: & you know he doesn't like me. he likes jake and only jake remeber

SP: *remember

TG: yeah yeah okay whatevs. fill me in on what ive been missin out in teh lief of rae bae

TG: *the

SP: Haha um i switched high schools & thats about it

TG: omg kewl. srry but like i g2g

TG: ass is starting

TG: *class omg 

The bell rang at almost that exact time, to which I found weird. How coincidental...I put my phone up and waited out my lovely math class. I'm glad I sat in the back by the door, it made it easy to escape...


I jumped up, like always and rushed out, to go to my next class. I collided with a teacher, who shoved me back. "Learn your place Johnson," He sneered, walking off. Kyle walked up, smirking. "Hey mute," he kicked me hard in the ribs. Kyle had relentless anger...Cory just had...anger. 

Not Is, At All, What It Seems ( A Homestuck Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora